Title: Amore Summary: Donghae wonders if Hyukjae can teach him what love is. Genre: Fluff, fantasy, Rome!AU Pairing: Hyukjae/Donghae Rating: PG-15 Length: Two-shot
MY HEART ugh you're perfect at crafting worlds. I thought this was really well done- complete but leaving some things unsaid, which was nice. Seriously though, this is wonderful ;o;
I LOVE THIS ♥♥♥ Crying because Donghae is the cutest, most innocent cupid ever ; ; ♥ I love Lady Valentine for not turning Hae into a female-cupid? -yeah that- he's just adorable as he is and, and, and he takes pictures, doesn't understand a lot of things, and him reading books is just so cute /sobs/
And Huykjae too, I just love him, his personality, story, jobs and everything ♥
And Kibum, omfg Kim Kubim what- how- O_O (also Heechul-lol)
“Sorry,” Donghae smiles sheepishly, “I hiccup when I’m nervous.” THAT'S THE CUTEST, MOST STUPID HABIT EVER OK I LOVE IT.
Hyukjae’s eyes roamed his face, zoning in on the tears that began to pool and lifted his hand. Donghae closed his eyes, anticipating gentle thumbs to wipe away his tears but instead got a hard flick on his forehead.
“Ow!” He yelped, “Hyukjae! What--”
“You idiot!” He growled before pulling Donghae into a tight hug that had him almost suffocating and buried his face in the blonde tresses, “where have you been?!”Can I say how much I loved this part, cause that's exactly what I'd
( ... )
Comments 3
i dont even have words to describe my feelings, just WOW
loved it *-*
ugh you're perfect at crafting worlds. I thought this was really well done- complete but leaving some things unsaid, which was nice. Seriously though, this is wonderful ;o;
Crying because Donghae is the cutest, most innocent cupid ever ; ; ♥
I love Lady Valentine for not turning Hae into a female-cupid? -yeah that- he's just adorable as he is and, and, and he takes pictures, doesn't understand a lot of things, and him reading books is just so cute /sobs/
And Huykjae too, I just love him, his personality, story, jobs and everything ♥
And Kibum, omfg Kim Kubim what- how- O_O (also Heechul-lol)
“Sorry,” Donghae smiles sheepishly, “I hiccup when I’m nervous.” THAT'S THE CUTEST, MOST STUPID HABIT EVER OK I LOVE IT.
Hyukjae’s eyes roamed his face, zoning in on the tears that began to pool and lifted his hand. Donghae closed his eyes, anticipating gentle thumbs to wipe away his tears but instead got a hard flick on his forehead.
“Ow!” He yelped, “Hyukjae! What--”
“You idiot!” He growled before pulling Donghae into a tight hug that had him almost suffocating and buried his face in the blonde tresses, “where have you been?!”Can I say how much I loved this part, cause that's exactly what I'd ( ... )
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