Minor ~ but yet serious ~ grievance. (Stalker Warning)

Mar 15, 2008 15:16

I have had some recent grievance, which I still can’t decide whether to treat as insignificant or possibly very serious - but, in either circumstance, decided I should post about.

To make a long story short, I’ve had a person on my friends-list increasingly act as a stalker and, this week, lost my patience with him: cutting him off my LJ.

It is, granted, perhaps my own fault for being too patient for too long and then, when the person pushes me over the edge, state in no-uncertain-terms what I think. In that respect I can nearly sympathize that it probably came as shock to him - but the shock has to be weighed in the light of him having repeatedly dismissed all my ‘nicer’ ways of telling him that I did neither return his feelings or were comfortable enough to engage in a more personal friendship. Neither does any shock - or mental illness for that matter - justify his chosen follow-up of absurd claims/snide remarks.

They admittedly had me laugh out loud first, as I found them preposterous - but I have since found myself feel increasingly defiled. As much as those who know me will dismiss it without a thought, there are equally as many in the scene who only know me as a distant image - and the notion that anyone at all would regard me in that context with this guy, literally has me feel unclean. 
I am equally increasingly angry now that something that from my part had been a conscious attempt to be open-minded and non-judgmental towards someone with a mental condition (although I am seriously thinking now his mental condition is only a fraction of the problem which is far more a completely remorseless, self-indulgent personality) has been used and abused.

Now, my stated stance towards him - regardless of his continued spouting - is that the matter is over. Neither do I care for anyone to act on any of this.

But what has become a concern (and become the reason for me making this post) is that I already knew one more female besides me, who’d cut him off her Lj for very similar reasons (Faticiera).

I contacted her last night, and she confirmed he very recently contacted her on Facebook, to, once more, go on about how ‘hot’ she is and how well they would work together; in addition criticizing her for her new found relationship.  And it was after hearing the last - the way he did not care to leave her alone even when knowing of her man - that I decided that a public post really would need to be made on this.

If both she and I have been pursued like this, then, in all likelihood, there are more females on his blog-sites that in waning and waxing fashion endure his never-ending prods. But the grave part of this (besides the discomfort it is for any woman to try to be friends with someone who is continuously making it blatant she's in his sexual/romantic fantasies), is that his exaggerations/warped ‘claims’ could  -  in the unfortunate circumstance of the unwilling recipient having an ‘early days/wobbly’ relationship  -  cause an unaware, thrown boyfriend to assume the worst and break it up.

And I am not about to let that happen.

So I cannot stress this more: if anyone hear of any girl/couple receiving grief from Christhegoth in the future, please point them to my last post ( http://ms-jinxme.livejournal.com/39885.html ) ~ as regardless of what he may delete in the weeks ahead, my thorough description of his actions to him, will remain there.

In addition: I would like to think that anyone coming across his remarks on me, dismissed them instantly, but should anyone lesser acquainted with me be left in doubt I’ve attached a link to the first time he attempted to pick me up (and also first started making me uneasy, telling him so): http://christhegoth.livejournal.com/878906.html
Both should make perfectly crystal to everyone what has and has not been going on.

*I've initially made this post locked to ensure the links I've provided don't suddenly get 'part-deleted' at the other end. I am not comfortable however discussing anyone behind their back - which is essentially what one does when locking a post - so I will unlock it some point next week.

**Should link to his not work it can also be found in his archive 08/09/2007 - its under the post on his tail-coat; unfortunately only those on his Lj can access this, but if anyone wants to compare experiences with this guy I can cut and forward it on request.
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