Can I get tech support in here, please? (NC-17, Harry/Nick)

Sep 24, 2012 06:23

Title: Can I get tech support in here please?
Pairing: Harry/Nick Grimshaw
Word count: 2862
Rating: NC-17
Warnings; buttsex, but if I have to warn you for that, you probably shouldn't be reading anything on my journal :)
Summary: The one where Harry goes to Germany for a day and accidentally tells Nick something important via text message, only Nick has ( Read more... )

harry styles, nc-17, harry/nick g, fandom:one direction

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Comments 8

sarahah30 September 24 2012, 11:38:12 UTC
Oh crikey!! I think I need to go lie outside in the rain. I've come over all hot and flustered at my desk.

I adore how you write these two and love loved this. That damn picture has been haunting me since it was posted!


mrsyt31 September 24 2012, 11:41:38 UTC
Thanks, babe :) These two are really fun to write!


estrella30 September 24 2012, 12:10:19 UTC
oh god, BEST thing to wake up to ever. BEST BEST BEST. love it!!!


mrsyt31 September 24 2012, 12:14:20 UTC
I was just thinking the same thing about yours, which i'm right in the middle of reading! LOL! Thanks so much!


its_a_deal September 24 2012, 19:06:24 UTC
i really love this!!


mrsyt31 September 24 2012, 20:29:08 UTC
Thanks so much! <3


mozarts_piano September 24 2012, 19:56:50 UTC
because i haven't had enough bloody harry/nick feels today you need to throw this on top of the pile too.


like really this:

Of course he’d start giggling halfway through the introduction, giving up and just pressing play. He’d smile at Harry then, removing his headphones before pulling him in close for a kiss. ‘Love you more, popstar,’ Nick would whisper in his ear just as the record was coming to an end. They’d spend the rest of the evening just out of view of the in-studio webcam, making out between songs, with Nick barely able to pull himself away when Fincham gives him the ‘on-air’ signal.

the greatest mental image i've ever had the pleasure of having. may the world bless you.


mrsyt31 September 24 2012, 20:20:15 UTC
Haha! That passage was actually added by my friend Lou! She always gets credit because she's so good at getting me to draw things out and be more descriptive, but that passage was so lovely that i added it pretty much verbatim.

So glad i could add to your Harry/Grimmy feels!


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