Eleventh Day of my 12 BoP TV Fic Days - Pick On Me Day

Nov 14, 2007 23:40

I'm nearly there, just the December fic to go...

... for now, it's number eleven for the Pick On Me Day prompt of my BoP TV table

It's part of the series that started with Here's The Rub and continued most recently with Are You SureTitle: Sure I Was Helping ( Read more... )

bop tv, barbara/helena, fic

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Comments 6

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mrswoman November 15 2007, 22:36:50 UTC
Pleased you enjoyed it; I really wasn't sure about this one :)


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mrswoman November 15 2007, 22:37:44 UTC
As always, my thanks :)


joran November 15 2007, 02:50:51 UTC
Ack! What an ending! I loved it. The whole thing, not just the ending. That got me to flail. :)


mrswoman November 15 2007, 22:38:29 UTC
Hey! Glad you liked this one, wasn't sure myself, but...


newbie_2u November 15 2007, 16:27:11 UTC
Another glorious piece of writing - I felt as if I were one of the onlookers in both the fight and the Q&A session. Beautiful work!


mrswoman November 15 2007, 22:38:58 UTC
Thank you, means a lot :)


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