Downton Abbey and Wasted Potential

Feb 13, 2014 07:03

I posted this last night on Tumblr and the conversation got kind of derailed so I thought I'd post it here and see if anyone had any thoughts. Beware spoilers for S4!


I just reblogged a Rose/Tony photoset…I’ve seen the idea of the pairing floating around the Downton tags the past couple weeks and because I liked it I even slipped a tiny ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

shimotsuki February 14 2014, 05:13:25 UTC
Those are some very interesting points. I would agree with you that there's a recurring theme in Downton, where things aren't as interesting or as well executed as they definitely could have been. I still think the show is fun, but it could have been so much more!

(Rose/Tony is an adorable idea. But old Shrimpey's now landless too, right?)


mrstater February 14 2014, 12:37:32 UTC
That's right, they did lose Duneagle...but since Tony's apparently not out for money/an estate he and Rose can just be romantic together? LOL.


katyhasclogs February 14 2014, 12:44:07 UTC
I think it says a lot about the way Mary's suitors are written that I can't actually remember which one is which (and it was exactly the same while I was watching the series in the autumn).


mrstater February 14 2014, 12:46:40 UTC
LOL. Accurate. There are some pretty hardcore Mary/Blake shippers in fandom and I just am scratching my head wondering how on earth either of them have even had enough to do that anyone cares. They only have about three scenes together.

*I realize this is incredibly rich coming from a Mary/Richard shipper, LOL. At least they were engaged for an entire season??


sea_thoughts February 16 2014, 17:40:32 UTC
Oooh, you have a Tumblr? I'm going to follow you. I'm xingshining. :)

I don't watch Downton but I think you make some good points. Characters with untapped/wasted potential are so frustrating as a viewer, yet great boons to fanfic writers.


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