Fic Updates!

Jan 31, 2014 06:50

It's been ages since I linked my fics here (or posted anything at all--to my chagrin!) so here's what I've been writing lately:

We had a winter challenge at GameofShips, and I returned to ASOIAF with a couple of pre-canon Jorah/Lynesse fics (because apparently I can't do ships that aren't doomed):

What do (she) bears do in winter? [T ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

tinhutlady January 31 2014, 19:17:06 UTC
You've been busy! Cool!
I'm doing good. Hope you are, too.
Read a few good ficlets that had been recommended on evil_little_dog's lj.


mrstater February 1 2014, 00:12:04 UTC
Very busy but good, thanks! Glad to hear you are, too. :)


huldrejenta January 31 2014, 23:07:13 UTC
Yay, more Something worth having :)

I'm absolutely looking forward to S4 of GoT. We're currently re-watching S3, and yesterday we saw when Robb got the brilliant plan of turning to Walder Frey for help. Nooo! And I'm fascinated by Jaime and the various sides of him we see. I've even become a Jaime/Brienne shipper (somewhat), which I didn't think I would be.

Downton Abbey S4 - mostly I'm hoping things will work out for Edith... Still love Isobel and Violet. What do you think of Mary and her suitors?!


mrstater February 1 2014, 00:06:26 UTC
Robb got the brilliant plan of turning to Walder Frey for help

Robb got his brains from his father, obviously! (And both had rather the same fate...)

I love Jaime, too, and have started shipping Brienne/Jaime. Mr. Tater asked me the other day when they get together in the books and I was like um...they haven't and he was shocked.

Poor Edith cannot catch a break, can she? I think she looks fabulous in S4--the 20s dresses are stunning on her--and I wish she could get a love life to match. Mary's suitors pretty much bored me--I feel like it's just re-treading Mary/Matthew again?


shimotsuki February 2 2014, 06:25:01 UTC
Hi! Glad to see you on LJ; I fell off the Tumblr train over the holidays and just haven't had time to get back into it again. It takes so long to go through my feed, and I only follow about 9 people! The pretty pictures are fun, but I miss just hearing about what people are up to. LJ is much better for that.

Thought DA S4 was generally pretty good, although some aspects of the Anna plotline were somewhat disturbing, while others blew over faster than I thought they should have. Did think that some of the things they did with Mary were interesting (pigs FTW). And loved some of the Isobel-and-Violet interplay. Also, the last scene of the Christmas special --!!! Adorable. (Being all oblique here because I don't know what's still a spoiler for the US program schedule.) ETA: Forgot Edith (how could I); lots of interesting stuff there. And I'm not entirely sure what I think of Tom's new friend, but I've really liked some of the things they've done in exploring Tom's relationship with the rest of the family ( ... )


mrstater February 2 2014, 13:50:14 UTC
Aw, I've missed you and LJ friends, too...I feel like I hit this point where I have time to blog or to write fiction and the latter ends up winning out every time--and for RL updates I mostly keep up FB. It's difficult to balance the various media platforms!

I saw rt_morelove--looks like lots of participation, that's awesome! For further HP nostalgia, are you following the latest with JK Rowling and her comments on Hermione/Ron? The shipping wars have started again as vehemently as they ever were, LOL. The HP fandom will never change. ;)

On the whole I enjoyed DA S4 but I felt like there asn't a lot of consistency in terms of how serious some of the plots were with how frivolous others were? I hate how Anna's rape somehow became all about Bates ( ... )


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