Title: Women's World
mrstaterFandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Rating & Warnings: rated PG for miscarriage
Format & Word Count: drabble, 100 words
Summary: Three times she miscarried while trying to give me an heir. Jorah must comfort his lady wife after the first.
Author's Note: Written for the minor character drabble challenge 2012 Tourney of the Hand at the
westerosorting communities. The theme was anything having to do with children, and it had to be 100 words on the nose. I didn't win, but I'm just proud of myself for actually managing to write a 100 word drabble.
"The babe is dead," Jorah says, not looking up from his tankard, when the birthing woman comes in.
"Yes, m'lord."
"My wife?"
"Asking for you."
He grunts. "Childbed's more Maege's territory."
"She wants you."
Growling, Jorah drains his ale, then pushes to his feet. There's no arguing with She-Bears, not even servants. He'd rather face any of them than his lady wife of Deepwood Motte, to whom he's spoken so little, and now must comfort as she bleeds away his heir.
She speaks first. "Forgive me, husband."
Jorah fumbles for her hand. "There will be other children."
Lady Mormont weeps.