R/T Fic: Between the Lines, Part II

Mar 16, 2009 15:32

Title: Between The Lines Part II/II
Authors: gilpin25 and mrstater
Rating & Warnings: T for mild innuendo and bad goat jokes
Word Count: 11,844
Summary: Away on a solitary mission for the Order, Remus decides to send someone a ‘Wish you were here’ card. The consequences of which prove a lot more than both he and the recipient bargained for… Set during OotP.
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fic: between the lines, character: nymphadora tonks, pairing: remus/tonks, character: remus lupin, character: molly weasley, character: sirius black

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Comments 19

shimotsuki March 16 2009, 22:30:05 UTC
I want to leave my "real" review on gilpin25's fic journal this time, since I left it on yours for Part I -- but I can't not say how much I loved this. :)

(And how glad I was that Remus's tattoo was something other than a Registry number! Because that would have taken their tattoo jokes to a very dark place indeed...)

This is delightful for how it captures the warmth between them but also takes a serious look (no pun intended) at the problems they have to face. And the ending is a perfect switch from words to actions, at long last!


mrstater March 17 2009, 22:32:15 UTC
Hee, you're so equal in your distribution of reviews. ;)

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment here, though! We're thrilled you liked it so much, and can't tell you how much fun we had deciding what kind of tattoo to give Remus. (Well, and where to put it.) And very happy you liked the ending switch to actions. Since sometimes words just aren't enough. ;)


fthpfthpfthp March 17 2009, 01:37:04 UTC

You don't even KNOW how I have pined for this conclusion! Sometimes, when I haven't popped in to eljay for a bit, I make a point to check your journals just in case you were still working on this one.

written correspondence FTW! Y'all both characterize these two so well in your fics, but this is fantasmagoric role play. The miscommunications, the hedging, the doubt. The interference from Sirius and Molly and Mrs. C.. I'm floored!

Well done, indeed.


mrstater March 17 2009, 22:36:02 UTC
Aw, we're so happy to know you were on the lookout for this one. Sorry we kept you waiting for so long. Thank you very much for your lovely feedback. We're so happy you think these sound like Remus and Tonks writing letters! I was writing Tonks and certainly felt like I was getting owls from him! It was a nice feeling. :)


kt_tonguetied March 21 2009, 18:43:38 UTC
Hahahahaha!! Gosh, I had completely forgotten about this fic by the time part II came along, and had to re-read the whole thing! It was so worth it, and the owl at the end had me rolling about giggling. It looks almost like McGonagall in owl-form, with those narrowed eyes. XD


mrstater March 22 2009, 00:13:43 UTC
We're so glad this was a pleasant memory jogger and that you liked re-reading and the new addition! That owl is so cute, isn't he? Thanks very much for your lovely words. :)


anywhere_but_nj March 22 2009, 15:01:05 UTC
Oh my goodness. I'm sorry it took so long but I had to read it in spurts and I apologize in advance for the fact that my review is about 7 1/2 pages in Word and will therefore probably take up 3 posts.

You'll probably accuse me again of cheating, but I'll persist with what I've said a million times: I did not morph my stomach so I could eat more! Your tender male chocoholic ego is just bruised that you didn't make it past the cheesecake and didn't get to try any of the chocolate fudge cake.

*giggles* sounds like Remus
The lake picture is gorgeous!
“Uncle Alastor” tickles me silly

For some reason, Mrs. C~ is under the misguided impression that I need to keep my strength up at all times. Of course, she has now met 'My young lady,' so possibly there is method in her muffin madness.

Hehe. He does though- being a werewolf tires him. And I know Dora will too only in a much better way ;)

You realise you never once asked to see my tattoo all the time you were here? I was a little saddened, I must admit, but I suppose it can’t compare ( ... )


anywhere_but_nj March 22 2009, 15:12:15 UTC
North-west of your buttock? That's probably not something I ought to be imagining till we've got this sorted. Maybe some of your clothes will come off in the mosh pit.

And then that makes up for the anger :P tee-hee grr-rawr

The two sheep postcards are so cute!

I’m certainly looking pretty sheepish anyway. Whilst trying hard not to smile and feeling something of a fool at one and the same time. Which is becoming something of a habit with these letters of ours - I make an idiot of myself

He does, but he’s also adorable, which makes up for it.

Is greeting you as Nymphie out of the question? (Joking apart, obviously we’re going to keep this very much to ourselves for the time being, I assume.)

HAHAHA she’d totally hex him if he did that!

Mosh pits don’t equal bear pits (all the time)! Haha it’s so hard to imagine him in one!!

Except for that part where you met me at the door and called me Nymphie, and I nearly hexed you to Oblivion. The only thing that stopped me was not wanting to eliminate the sanest member of the Order. ( ... )


anywhere_but_nj March 22 2009, 15:14:46 UTC
Molly’s stationary is precious, as is she, and I love her handwriting. Such a caring mother for all :) I love that she noticed how they acted around each other hehe

“I know I was the only one to notice,” *snort* right. I’ll bet a bunch of the others are gossiping like housewives :P

LOL I love that she tells Tonks to bake something. It’s so very Molly.

Oh, God, Sirius knows? I was thinking about dropping in on you gents tonight, but I don't think I could play it cool after the letter I got from Molly

Aw. Well if the two of them know, what the reason for playing it cool? ;)

only that I'd really like to tell Scrimgeour where he can shove his sodding paperwork (like Umbridge's arse) because we sure as hell aren't going to stop Voldemort by pushing quills around on parchment, are we?


Awwww I love Tonks writing Molly back and asking her to be devious to get Remus to be less of a gentleman & more of a Marauder :P ;) :D

What really cracked me up was:
“…just in case the mosh pit (ask Bill)…” *giggles insanely*

... )


mrstater March 22 2009, 15:42:06 UTC
Aw, your commentaries are so much fun! They've made gilpin25 and me grin a lot knowing which parts made you grin or grimmace -- and we're especially thrilled you thought an M on Remus' hip was a sexy tattoo. ;) Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to leave such nice comments. :D


sspring92 March 23 2009, 03:51:15 UTC
Left a review over at gilpintales too. Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed this fic. It is so completely original and such fun! Thanks to you both!


mrstater March 23 2009, 04:03:39 UTC
Aw, thanks. For this and your other review! We had so much fun writing it and are so pleased you found it a fresh take on R/T. :)


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