Title: Party Till the Wolf Comes Home
MrsTaterRating & Warnings: PG-13 for alcohol use and language
Format & Word Count: one-shot, 7286 words
Summary: Fatherhood doesn't send Remus on a pub crawl, but announcing the birth of his son to his closest friends turns out to be the next best thing.
Comments 38
He laughed to himself as he missed his footing on the way over the split-rail fence, narrowly avoiding a catastrophe that could well have put an end to any desire he had to experience becoming a father again
HAHAHAHA ouch painful.
"Tell me something a Death Eater wouldn't know."
Chest puffing, and with a grin so wide he thought his face might split in two, Remus announced, "As of two hours ago, I'm a father!"
That makes me grin; I was so happy for him!
He is too adorable I just want to hug him.
Remus realised he wasn't sure. He'd viewed the past several hours through a haze of anxiety, elation, utter terror, and sheer bliss. And alcohol. But mostly the other things.
LOL. Love the addition of alcohol. Aw poor Moony fainting. At least he was able to witness the birth.
"Cool!" cried Ginny. "A little morphing baby! Can we go see him, Mum?
haha, oh Ginny...that's such a 16-year-old response. I love it.
"Old?" Remus pulled a face. "I'm only thirty-eight, Arthur. Why, in ( ... )
Drunk!new daddy!Remus is amazing and adorable and this is the best thing I've read in weeks!
"It is I, Remus John Lupin," began Remus without waiting from a response from his mother-in-law. "Aa-rooo! I don't even care about the werewolf thing anymore cos I'm the lucky husband of the bee-YOU-teeful Dymphanora Tonks..
And the scene with Hestia, Dedalus and the Dursleys was absolutely classic.
"Haven't they heard of the pill?"
Remus turning into Tonks, tripping and running into things constantly!
"The Littlest Marauder!" Loved that too.
Also enjoyed the little look into living during a war. Everyone hiding but still together in some sense.
I can just picture Tonks listening to drunken "Wotcherpot" "I never thought I'd get him to say Wotcher"! ::giggle::
The appearance by the Dursley's being babysat by Daedelus and Hestia was a a nice little change of pace! And Remus not caring about any of their remarks was refreshing to see.
This really showed Remus finally, finally getting that he deserves to be happy! In Tater world, he gets to be. Kind of makes me all the sadder At about 'The book that shall not be named'! R/T had so much potential to have their story continue.
this is going straight to my del.icio.us account!
I had such a blast writing this, and I think part of it was realizing that with characters like the Order, there's still a lot of comedic potential for DH. So maybe I'll try some more in-hiding fics... The Dursleys were surprisingly fun, so I'm really glad you liked that scene.
Thanks so much for your feedback and the favorite. :)
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Very sorry you've got Werewolves of London stuck in your head now, lol. But I'm very glad this provided a good DH humor fix. Oddly I think there's a lot of fodder for humor in DH, despite all the angst!
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