Remus, Tonks, and R/T Art Recs

Apr 17, 2007 17:47

Artwork featured here depicts scenes from all seven Harry Potter books. Beware of Spoilers.

Tonks and Remus, by Aedua

Remus+Tonks, by Alicia_chan (Remus/Tonks)

The Lupins, by Baisar (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Comfort, by Balmasque (Remus/Tonks)

Nymphadora Tonks, 2, by Balmasque

Remus and Dora, by Balmasque

Hold Me, by baby_werewolf (Remus/Tonks)

Battle of Hogwarts, by blackunicorn777 (Remus/Tonks)

Holding, by blackunicorn777 (Remus/Tonks)

Lovesick Tonks, by blackunicorn777

A Pleasant Surprise in the Lighthouse, by blackunicorn777 (Remus/Tonks)

Remus and Ted, by blackunicorn777

Stop the Knight Bus, by blackunicorn777 (Remus)

Teddy and Daddy, by blackunicorn777 (Remus, Teddy - AU)

Tonks' Muggle Mission, by blackunicorn777 (Tonks)

Tonks, by blackunicorn777

Tonks the Hufflepuff, by blackunicorn777

The Wedding, by blackunicorn777 (Remus/Tonks) (Also in sepia)

Love Colored (Remus/Tonks), by Bunny007
Because he's got her pinky finger between his fingers...

Remus Lupin, by buttfacemakani

Hermione Is Getting Married, (Remus/Tonks, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione) by cambryn

A Perfect Evening (Remus/Tonks), by cambryn

Remus and Tonks, by cambryn

Unobtrusive Affection, by cambryn (Remus/Tonks)

We Just Can't Be Together, by cambryn (Remus/Tonks)

Why Tonks Doesn't Knock When Remus Is Over, by cambryn

R/T Sketches, by doomandnachos

Sunday Morning, by doomandnachos (Remus/Tonks - a little bit NWS)

Deathly Hallows Day, by dracothan (Remus/Tonks, Trio, Snape, Narcissa, Draco, Kreacher)

Dora and Remus, by dracothan

The Order of the Phoenix, by dracothan (Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Sirius, Snape, Kingsley)

Tonksy and Remus, by dracothan

Affection/Rejection, by drumher

Auror Tonks and her Purse Werewolf, by drumher
Because Paris Hilton's not the only one who can be Canine Chic. (Tonks, Moony)

Cocoa Break, by drumher
An illustration of the final scene in my fic Between Friends. (Remus/Tonks)

One Last Kiss (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Prelude To A Kiss, by drumher (Remus/Tonks)

Rad!Sex, by drumher (Remus/Tonks)

But I Don't Care, by Ellaine (Remus/Tonks)

Lupin and Tonks, by Endoftheline

Laughter, by Friede (Remus/Tonks)

Just Tonks, by GoldSeven

Nymphadora, by Hito76

Nymphadora Tonks, by Hito76

Remus Lupin, by Hito76

Temptation, by Hito76 (Remus/Tonks)

Don’t You Dare laugh, Remus Lupin! (Remus/Tonks), by hrymfaxe

First Time, by hrymfaxe (Remus/Tonks - slightly NWS)

A Moment of Joy, by hrymfaxe (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Cubs, by Ildi
Because multicolored werepups are hilarious.

Grindylow, by Ildi (Remus)

Private Lesson, by Ildi (Remus, Harry)

Remus and Wolverine, by Ildi
Because in a fit of frustration about Remus having animal instincts in fanfic, I once commented to bratty_jedi, "He's Remus, not freaking Wolverine!"

Tonks, by Ildi

The Tonks Family, by IriusABellatrix (Ted, Andromeda, Tonks)

Remus Lupin, by Jessa Beth

Happier Life, by Kalina Salma (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Despair, by kaos_aterkomst

The Werewolf and the Girl, by Leelakin (Remus/Tonks)

Raw, by Lightning Niko (Remus/Tonks)

Lupin & Remedy, by Lily Fox

Duck!Tonks, by Loony Lucy's a duck. With earrings. And hair. And breasts.

Funeral, by Loony Lucy (Remus/Tonks)

Mrs. Black's Portrait, by Loony Lucy (Molly, Remus, Tonks)

Chapter 34, by Loony Lucy (James, Remus, Sirius, Lily)

Tonks, by Loony Lucy

Tonks+Remus, by Loony Lucy

Transformers, by MagdalenaTR (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Nymphadora Tonks, by MaggieHuang

Nymphadora Tonks, by McGray

Remus Lupin, by McGray

I Told You -- I Don't Care, by MjOboe (Remus/Tonks)

Klutzy Tonks, by MjOboe (Tonks)

Let Yourself Love, by MjOboe (Remus/Tonks)

See? She Still Loves Him, by MjOboe (Remus/Tonks)

The Tonks and Snape Showdown, by MjOboe (Harry, Snape, Tonks)

Untouchable, by MjOboe (Remus/Tonks)

Nymphadora Tonks, by Monstarling

Expecto Patronum!, by mudblood428 (Remus, Harry)

Riddikulus!, by mudblood428 (Remus, Snape, Neville)

Wotcher, by mudblood428 (Tonks)

Nymphadora Tonks, by Napalmnacy

Remus and Tonks, by Napalmnacy

Tonks Changing Her Hair, by Napalmnacy

Blessed, by orkyd

Live in Color, by ReachfulHP88 (Remus/Tonks manip)

Too old, too poor, too dangerous, by reallycorking (Remus/Tonks)

Tonks' Sorting, by Roby Boh

All Play and No Work, by rotae

Happy New Year - 1996, by rotae (Remus/Tonks)

Hufflepuff, Like Tonks, by rotae

Quiet Despair, by rotae (Tonks)

Remus and Tonks, by rotae

Remus and Tonks...Simpson?, by rotae

She Finally Got Her Man, by rotae (Remus/Tonks)

The Three Lupins, by rotae (Remus/Tonks, Teddy)

Remus and Tonks, by Scarlett of Bohemia

Tonks and Lupin, by Shinga

Loving You, by solo_chan

Tonks Is Desperate, by Squeakystrings (Remus/Tonks)

Patronus, by Virnavus (Remus/Tonks)
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