Title: The Persuasion Parallel Author: mrssnape13 (immortalbeloved13) Spoilers: None Rating/Warnings: G/ AU Word Count: 2,194 Disclaimer: I own nothing! Summary: Sheldon comes to the conclusion that he must give Penny up. ( Ch 7: Separation )
Things will be picking up soon. :) Although, it's still Sheldon's turn to see Penny being wooed by some other guy. It's going to make him really mad because it's Kripke. Hee!
Forgot to mention: PBS showed "Murder on the Orient Express" this past Sunday night! :D I am already hooked on Suchet as Poirot. Can't wait for the next one!
Comments 3
*trembling lower lip and big eyes*
And? No! Idiots. Aaarhg.
Things will be picking up soon. :) Although, it's still Sheldon's turn to see Penny being wooed by some other guy. It's going to make him really mad because it's Kripke. Hee!
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