Janto and Candy Bars... the joy of life!

Mar 07, 2008 14:27

Ok, so this should come as no surprise whatsoever (and if it does surprise you, I really must say "Those who are shocked easily, should be shocked more often." ~Mae West.) but I LOVE Jack and Ianto together. Those of us in the fandom recognize this particular OTP as "Janto".

However, there are a few occupational hazards when one ships Janto. And by occupational, I mean "dangerous in a work environment" because of the absurd level of cuteness that is often found in this ship.

Take, for example, today. There I am, minding my own business, and taking one of my mandated breaks (They hollered at me for not taking a lunch once, and now my breaks are being "forced" to happen...but anyway...) and I decided to check up on my favorite Torchwood comm. Lovely place, you really should go and visit at some point.
torch_wood So, as I'm sitting there, reading some very lovely Janto fanfic, I realize that I am not only giggling what can only be considered an obscene amount, but I'm also getting hungry.

So... I decided that this would be the perfect time to take my lunch, since I have to do that anyway... (and yes, I know I'm rambling on a bit, but please, bear with me, because there's a point to my round-about-ness) With my lunch, I splurged a bit, and included a Snickers bar. (For those of you who don't know, my love can't be bought, but affection is a close-second, and only costs a chocolate bar and perhaps a bag of Skittles!) And I'm munching on my Snickers, and I'm giggling through another Janto fic... and then I pause to fix the wrapper, so that I can get to more of that chocolate-y goodness.... and what do I see? This:

Substantialiscious \sub-'stan(t)-shu-'li-shus\ (noun). The weight of something when you weigh it with your tongue.

Now, I ask you.... is that really fair? What else is an already squee-ful fangirl mind supposed to think? I mean really! This is just dying to be framed with a picture of Jack and Ianto! I mean... come on!!! It's almost too easy... I can see something like this totally becoming a fandom favorite!

So, then I have to ask myself... can I make a banner with this? Can I make it work, so that it will flash the definition above, a picture of the H&H kiss from "Last Man" and then cut to a picture of a Snickers bar... followed by "Satisfy your hunger!" (aka, the Snickers catchphrase) I would totally love to have something like this... the problem? I have NO IDEA HOW TO ACHIEVE MY DREAM OF JANTO SNICKERS ADS!!! *sobs*

And so I sit here, in my chair at work, feeling completely mopey and morose (to use GDL's word) and try to think of who could help me to put one together...

Jack, Ianto and Chocolate...
I think that's really what makes life worth living.
EDIT: As of May 15, 2008 the new graphic fulfilling this dream can be found here!

jack/ianto, chocolate, torchwood

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