Fic: Eve's Last Straw (or Gareth's Revenge, Act 1) RPF

Jul 22, 2008 14:00

Title: Eve's Last Straw (or Gareth's Revenge, Act 1: Getting Even with Evie)
Written by: mrssjw
Length: Short Story (approx 600 words)
Genre: RPF (Friendship only)
Character(s): Gareth David-Lloyd, Eve Myles, cameo appearance by John Barrowman

Summary: After a fateful night of debauchery, Gareth is determined to get back at John and Eve... but the question is how? This is the first part of two, and how Gareth gets even with Eve for her hand in his embarrassing encounter.

The precursor stories to this saga are The Three L's and Bugle Boy Barrowman.

“Gareth David-Lloyd! You miserable little twat, get the hell out here!” Gareth carefully schooled his expression into one of bland innocence that would have made Ianto proud. He casually opened his trailer door and stepped down to be on level with his very angry visitor. Inside, he was grinning like a Cheshire cat, but outwardly none of it showed.

“Why good morning, Eve,” his voice was just as bland as his expression, “You’re looking particularly lovely this morning.”

“Cut the crap Gareth,” Eve was seething, “What did you do?!” Her face was pink with outrage, her entire body shaking with barely controlled fury. Gareth had to admit it was a good look for her. Maybe he’d mention it to a couple of the writers that Gwen needed to be angry more often. He raised his eyebrows in colorless disinterest.

Ianto would be so damn proud of me, he thought again, mentally pleased with himself.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about Eve. Is something wrong?” The last bit proved to be too much for Eve, as she threw her hands in the air. Gareth wondered for a moment if she’d meant to hit him… but no, she was merely being herself, using her hands to emphasize her emotions.

“Ugh!” With a final screech of frustration and anger she turned in the direction of the makeup trailer. As soon as she was a safe distance away, Gareth allowed a small smile to play at his lips.

An hour and a half later, Gareth sat in his chair in the makeup trailer, getting ready for the day’s shoot. A few chairs down, one of the makeup assistants was cleaning up where Eve usually sat. She was talking to the runner from wardrobe who had been sent to find out why Gwen suddenly needed a long-sleeved shirt. She was only going to be wearing it for a one-off, establishing shot, but the wardrobe department was rather upset at the urgency with which the change had been made. Especially since Continuity was throwing a fit about it, as it was one of the few truly sunny days that Cardiff allowed them.

“She was green… and I don’t mean, like, sickly green, I mean like Wicked on Broadway kind of green! It was all over her shoulders and arms, and I’ll be damned if her hair wasn’t glistening jade in the light.”

“How d’you think she ended up like that?”

“I dunno! But we must have gone through two pounds of soap trying to get it off her. She was still slightly lime when she left here!”

Gareth fought the urge to grin. Who would have thought a little food dye in a shampoo bottle would be so detrimental? Then he frowned slightly, earning him a nasty look from the woman trying to airbrush him to perfection. He smoothed his features again, and held still.

Was Eve really that bad off? When she’d come pounding on his door this morning she had been upset, and her hands had been green. He had noticed a little bit of a greenish tint to her hair, and he thought maybe she’d stood under the water for a bit too long. He had a feeling that if she could ever pin this on him that he would need to start showering in someone else’s trailer, just to be safe…

“Gaz!” John came bursting into the truck, a wide grin plastered on his face. “Did you see what Evie did to her hair? It’s GREEN!”

This time, Gareth did smile.

Next time… Don’t Spill The Salt!

gareth's revenge, eve myles, gareth david-lloyd, rpf/rps, fan fiction

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