Fic: Local Knowledge

Jul 06, 2008 19:06

Not sure where this one came from, all I know is that one minute I was reading some lovely smut and the next I was writing this little drabble-ish one-shot.

It's not even all that amusing, unless you're like me at the moment, and completely punch-drunk on the beautiful drug that is Jack/Ianto fanfiction...

Anyway, we have here the reason why I tend not to sit near the keyboard when reading other people's fics, mostly because it inspires some very strange conversations in my head.

Title: Local Knowledge
Set during From Out of the Rain
Just a little bit of dialogue.

“Ianto, with me. I need your local knowledge.” Jack commanded, and like the obedient soldier he was, ianto fell into step behind him.

“Is that what they’re calling it now days?” Gwen teased, and Tosh stifled a tiny giggle. Owen smirked at her from his seat.

“Has it been so long that you’ve forgotten? Oh no, wait, I forgot. You’re a married woman now, you can shag anytime you want. Well, you can shag Rhys anytime you want.”

Gwen looked about to retort hotly when Tosh slid in between the two, smoothing the ruffled feathers.

“Now’s not the time, you two. We’ve got a job to do.”

drabble, torchwood, fan fiction

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