Fic: Reassurance (Drabble, One-Shot, Ianto)

Apr 22, 2008 23:16

Title: Reassurance
Written By: Mrssjw
Rating: PG
Characters: Ianto Jones (Jack/Ianto implications)

Spoilers: If you haven't seen "Everything Changes" by now, then you're probably in the wrong fandom... or you can it the series from a different point and haven't reached the level of obsession that requires you to go back and devour each and every tidbit of Torchwood you can find!

Summary: Set after Susie dies...the first time. Ianto needs something, and he thinks he might find it in Jack's office.

A/N: My first drabble! does happy dance I've never succeeded in paring it down to only 100 words, but by george, I think I've got it!


The door was shut. Ianto wasn’t sure whether to go in.

Jack had looked so lost, so afraid, and Ianto wanted to hug him; to remind him that there was still life in the world.

Susie’s death was bad, but there was still reason to live. Perhaps Ianto was the one who needed the reassurance; some little reminder that life went on after Torchwood, something to look forward to.

But the door was shut, and stayed that way. Ianto leaned his head against the door.

Then turned and walked away. Jack obviously needed to be alone, and Ianto needed…


drabble, torchwood, ianto jones, adminpro day, fan fiction

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