
Jul 05, 2009 23:59

So today was really awesome for a while. I went to my aunt and uncle's house for a barbecue and my uncle's brother, his ex-wife (they divorced on good terms and are still friends, thank God), one of their sons, who's 2 years older than me, and my aunt and uncle's friend were there. We played croquet for some reason, and it was pretty fun. I almost ( Read more... )

drama, rant, family, friends

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Comments 8

gottalovev July 6 2009, 12:45:49 UTC
oh my god, what a piece of work! I can understand how scared and frustrated you are about it all, everyone would be. I've known someone who'd make suicide threats (although not to me, to my boyfriend who was her ex, she just wanted his attention) and it's like you are stuck between wanting to help (because the guilt if she really does something? yeah!) and just wanting to cut bridges because she's not bringing anything good in your life right now.

would it help to tell about it to someone? her parents or maybe have her call a help line? maybe you could call, because maybe they have good advice to cope with a situation like that.

anyhoo, be strong... it's a difficult time


mrspiccoloswife July 6 2009, 21:03:07 UTC
Thanks so much. I'm surprised anyone actually read all this! I can't cut ties with her, because she's one of my best friends. I don't want to tell her mom because her mom can be really weird and bitchy and would probably ground her or something. She's seeming pretty cheerful today,but I'm just not sure. Thanks again, I feel a bit better now (especially with that adorable icon accompanying good advice!).


roseys_fics July 6 2009, 15:48:27 UTC
Ugh, that sounds terrible! It's so distressing when someone does that - brings stuff like that up, clearly wanting the attention and then as soon as you say something they don't want to hear they're suddenly like 'oh, why are you bugging me, it's none of your business!'
It really sucks you have to have someone like that in your life, but I get that it's pretty hard to cut ties with them when you know something like that is going on. I have a friend who's anorexic/bullimic and it's hard to know exactly what to do. Eventually we told her parents and found some leaflets for her and she's slowly but surely making a recovery.
I'd definitely second the advice above of telling someone or calling a helpline, even if you can't get her to call one. They have some good suggestions and can really help you deal with this stuff.


mrspiccoloswife July 6 2009, 21:06:23 UTC
Thanks for the advice. I'm feeling a bit better, and she seems to be good today. I'm still unsure and scared, though. I'm just gonna take it a day at a time and hope things get better. I appreciate you caring =]


roseys_fics July 8 2009, 16:17:56 UTC
No problem! I read below where you said that you're pretty close with her so I get that you don't want to cut ties with her. My closest friend went through a pretty rough time a while back when her mum very nearly died in a car crash and was in hospital for a long time. She didn't cope with it well and lashed out at everyone close to her, and as much as a lot of people told me that enough was enough and I should just cut ties with her, she was (and still is) my best friend so I tried my best to just help her get through it.

I'm glad to hear both you and her are feeling a little better, but if you ever want someone to rant at about it... hi. :)


mrspiccoloswife July 8 2009, 17:35:12 UTC
Thank you so much. Honestly, this helps a lot. It's good to know there's someone I can talk to that doesn't know her so she doesn't find out and get offended or anything. Hopefully I won't have to take you up on your offer, but thanks a bunch!


tellshannon815 July 6 2009, 21:38:11 UTC
This person sounds very much like someone I used to know at university, and I was stuck between wanting to help her and cut ties. It's a very long story (I'll spare you, unless you want to know, I don't mind) but it did end up with us parting ways - although for a long time afterwards I did wonder whether I'd been right to do so.

I'd second the advice of talking to somebody.


mrspiccoloswife July 6 2009, 22:18:41 UTC
Thank you. She's feeling better from what I can tell, but I'm still a bit worried. I don't think we'll end up parting ways; we're best friends and basically have been since middle school. I'm hoping it'll get better, but if she starts with this again, I may take everyone's advice and call someone. I really aprreciate this; you've cheered me up.

Completely unrelated, but your icon is hilarious!


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