Supernatural Episode: Time For A Wedding Fangirlishness…

Nov 12, 2011 17:11

Okay, from the “Then” section of this episode and the episode summary - I hope that some no good monster lady is trying to marry Sam. I want Becky and Dean to team up and protect his virtue from Miss Evil’s nefarious purposes.  Also, I miss Sam’s shorter hair.

Shot Dean’s puppy - Nope, they exploded his angel - ONLY AN ANGEL CAN LOVE YOU FOREVER!

Dean, I think you misunderstood the term “shotgun wedding.” You don’t actually need a firearm.

The excitement radiated off Sam as he exclaimed, “So, a little sudden, but life is short. So, I’ll keep this shorter. I’m in love and I’m getting married. Also, there is a distinct possibility that my sideburns are eating my face.”

BECKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I’m so glad you’re here!

I want to see the scene where Becky asks Dean for Sam’s hand… There is such joy in my heart… I’d almost forgotten what this felt like *Squee* PLEASE DON’T KILL HER - OR MAKE HER EVIL!?!

I want to squash the girl arranging the reunion. EVIL!

I’m always Team Becky, so what if the magic potion she is giving Sam just helps him deal with all of his Hell/Cage/Lucifer related issues. Damn it! She’s gone dark side and Dean will kill her. Then I will kill him. The never-ending cycle. Frak!

I always knew Dean’s version of being supportive would involve waffles!

Sam as the protective husband *Le Sigh* I know it will all be some sort of spell in the end, but I love it!

Dean is so jealous that Becky prefers Sam!

Sam and Becky’s diary… “This is… Beautiful.” I LOVE SAM WINCHESTER SO MUCH THAT I FEAR MY HEART SHALL BURST!!!!

DEAN IN A SWEATER VEST… DEAN IN A SWEATER VEST… DEAN IN A SWEATER VEST… Someone may need to restrain me. If he puts on glasses, I will literally die. *Daydreams about Dean as a professor of literature* I realize that it could be a sweater under the jacket, but it’s so much hotter if it is a sweater vest… I make no apologies for my love of the sweater vest. Pretty!

Dean and Garth make me miss Dean and Cas from Free To Be You And Me - Although to be honest, everything makes me miss Cas *Sobs* Oh look, Becky’s back - Yay!

She just knocked Sam out with Dean’s “support” *Giggles*

Surprise Bondage?!? I can’t even make a joke *Blushes*

Poor Becky, this is all going to end in tears.

You do not bad-mouth Becky, Mr. Demon!

“For legal reasons, let’s just say they had unfortunate accidents.” Even though I shall hate this demon for eternity for being mean to Becky, that is hysterical!

Oh Becky *Hugs* I relate way too much to Becky - Except for the whole non-platonic Sam love thing.

No, Becky! When a demon tells you that you’ve made the right choice, you can be guaranteed that it is very wrong! - Unless, it’s Crowley. That is always the right choice!

Burning Devil’s Trap = Very BAMF

Becky Ganked His Ass! Way to show them that girls can rock!

Crowley - MOTHER FRAKKING CROWLEY - Words Fail. INTEGRITY and CONSUMER CONFIDENCE and PRETTY! I want to think that Crowley is really going after the Leviathans to make them pay for taking Cas from us. I realize that it is more to do with respect and status, but in my heart, it’s because he loved Cas.

I will always ship Chuck and Becky. The look of pride on his face when she picked him over Sam… I can’t… They are an OTP for me *Hearts*

(Based on the Epic Logan and Veronica scene from 02x20)

The Meet and Greet was basically over. Many of the fans had already found someone they shared a profound fandom related bond with and scattered off to have deep and meaningful meta discussions. Becky still felt reluctant to leave. Sure the BNFs were long gone and the fruit drinks with random canon based names had been drunk, but this was what felt real to her. A dark lonely room with streamers mostly ripped off the walls and glittery signs trampled on the floor. Her table was littered with cups and random fangirl paraphernalia left by others. Becky simply scratched out a vague prompt for story featuring Sheriff Graham/Charming on a napkin. Anything Supernatural was far too painful and she found solace at one of the smaller Once Upon A Time communities.

“Alone again?” At the sound of Chuck’s voice Becky froze.

“Naturally.” She contemplated running for the door. The reason she had chosen this event was Chuck was scheduled to be elsewhere. Perfect. Losing a dream husband - even if it had been based more on magic than an actual relationship, it still hurt - and running into her ex.

Chuck scrubbed a hand over his face, “I, um, know the feeling.”

Becky tried to keep the hurt out of her voice, but failed, “You, one of the headliners of the biggest con in Wisconsin? I’m sure you could have your pick of the more appreciative fans.”

He sat next to her, “You know, I’m surprised. In your writing, you always capture all the emotional nuances and hidden motivations of the characters. There’s a great deal of porn too, but I thought you saw through people better than that. Appreciative fans? That’s not me anymore. To tell the truth it never was, but that’s more because they weren’t interested.” He said with a nervous smirk.

Becky scoffed, “So, what are you like now?”

“You know, tortured. Not just in the prophecy and mind melting migraine way either, at least not since I had my heartbroken.”

“Some girl really did a number on you.”

“I’m not talking about just some girl.” He took a deep breath, “I thought our story was epic, you know.”

“Epic how? You dumped me.”

“I thought that what we had would span years and continents - Lives ruined… Bloodshed… Epic. But, I don’t get to pick the visions I see or when I see them. I saw you and Sam. You were married and you had this smile… I knew that was what you would want. So, I left. You had a chance for the mega happy ending you always wanted and I wanted you to be happy even if it killed me.”

“Chuck, I…”

“I’m sorry for the way I handled everything. I’m sorry for what happened with Sam. I’m sorry that…”



“Shut up,” she kissed him and knew the chance to be with the man that would do anything for her to have a happy ending was better than anything else in the world.

I think hezio2might have magical fangirl powers. Last week I was a bit melodramatic, as always, and I whined to her that “What I want need as a fan is an episode that’s fun, but also moves along the plot (Maybe it could answer some of those really important questions like -Who’s in charge of Heaven?) I want Changing Channels - Yes it was silly, but we learned some important plot points and I didn’t cry at all.” Okay, so the questions about Heaven remain unanswered, but I got a silly fun episode that gave us the groundwork for Crowley working with the boys to annihilate the abominable Leviathans. Crowley looking out for the boys like a good step-demon… I am full of flail that I can hardly type!

Please, please let this be the turning point where Show can be my happy place again and all can be right with the world?!?!?! Recently, I have developed a habit of checking the clock during Show to see how much longer it is going to last - not in a good way - and I didn’t during this episode. I was sad to see it end. Plus, I could always use more Crowley.

THEORIES/IDEAS/WISHES Or More Accurately Titled Random Run-On Sentences Of Hope That Will Most Likely Be Spectacularly Dashed To Bits, But I Cling To With Every Fiber Of My Being: (I am spoiler free, so this is just my random ideas)

I have a theory, that about three or four episode before the finale, the boys will be in Wisconsin - Because that is where all my theories and stories take place - and they will end up in an alternate reality.

Picture it - the boys will each wake up on plush dark purple couches that are positioned side by side. The room is a soft inviting warm oatmeal color with muted paintings of gardens. Beside the couches, the room is mostly open except for a small desk and chair located off to the right. The space though airy is waiting to be filled with muttered secrets, hushed confessions, and whispered realizations. Gabriel will suddenly appear in the chair wearing a three piece suit complete with pocket watch. As he leans back in the chair with his feet propped on the desk he will ask, “So boys, tell me about your relationship with your father?”

Naturally as it is talk of feelings, the boys will try to run, but every door they run through will simply lead them to another psychiatrist’s office. Eventually, overcome by exhaustion and the weight of their combined emotional baggage, they succumb to the lure of therapy. They confess… They shout… They laugh… They cry… They hug… They find the true meaning of brotherly love… And finally, they come to terms with their destiny. They find a new health honest way to cope with life, the universe, and everything.

Gabriel meets them as they arrive back in Wisconsin with a self-satisfied smirk and instead of a witty retort, both boys rush to embrace the Archangel and thank him. They find Crowley waiting by a gorgeous 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible. Once they all pile in, Dean realizes that it is secretly the Impala that has been enchanted to appear like a different car, thus allowing them to travel incognito. He proceeds to whisper things to his Baby that make even the King of Hell and a Trickster/Archangel blush.

They find the Leviathans hold up in a Liberace museum in West Allis. It’s tricky and even years later they won’t be sure exactly how they pulled it off, but they decimate the Leviathans. Later, while everyone one else celebrates Dean will be outside leaning against the trunk of the Impala looking up at the stars as a single manly tear runs down his cheek.

The deep rumble of a voice will pull him from his thoughts, “Out of all of my Father’s creations, I have always found two to be the most fascinating. The first is, of course, the stars. Massive, luminous balls of plasma held together by gravity appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points, but they’re so much more. They’re quite lovely and looking up at them gives people hope. They give people a place to imagine Heaven, which is admittedly better than Van Nuys, California.” Castiel quietly takes in the serenity of the night sky.

Dean’s heart pounds so hard in his chest that he wonders if Cas can hear it, “You… You’re…”

“The second thing is you.” Everything around them stills in the perfect sweet and fluffy rom-com moment. As the scene fades to black, we see them in silhouette as they embrace. The only sound is my shrill fangirl squee.

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions. Please DO NOT repost my thoughts, feelings, opinions, or theories. Fandom is a diverse and wonderfully unique place. Be original!

idk, fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, for the win, crowley is adorable, theories i have them, wait unicorns aren't real, i am unanimous in that, hezio2 rocks, the epic love story of dean/cas, gifs are addictive, fangirlishness, the epic love story of chuck/becky, awesomesauce

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