The Hunter Groom - Part 2...

Sep 29, 2011 21:47

Castiel found himself crashing into a stone dungeon which had sigils, designed to sever his access to his grace and cause him agonizing pain, covering every visible surface. He crawled into the corner and trying desperately to blend into the wall.

“Oh, we can’t have you down on the floor. Not when I have such a nice table ready for you,” said a man with the coldest eyes Castiel had ever seen. Thankfully, the sigils had done their work and everything faded to black before he found out what the Demon thought was so nice about the table.

}{ }{ }{ 
Upon returning to the castle in Kansas, Dean was placed in his room and Meg waited by his bedside. As he awoke, he thought he heard her chanting something softly. He finally opened his eyes and she took his hand, “Dearest, I’ve been so worried. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t found you in time.”

Dean immediately flinched back from the Demon, “Where’s Castiel?”

“He left you outside the fire swamp.” She paused, “We finally found you and when he took off, it must have had some effect, because you were knocked unconscious.”

Dean’s head felt muddled and he couldn’t quite remember what had happened, “He left me?”

“I’m so sorry, Dean. If I could change things I would.” Tears slowly slide from her eyes, “I know that you love him and I could never even hope that you would feel the same about me, but I truly care about you. I want to see our people united and I can’t ask you to go through with our marriage now, that I know you love another.”


She began to shake, “The Angels have been attacking the outer villages and I don’t know what to do. I had hoped after we were married, together we could stop the Angels and save Kansas. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“We can find a way to keep them safe.

“Dean, I know I have no right to ask you this, but if he doesn’t come back for you, would you consider going through with the wedding?”

“I love him. It wouldn’t be right.”

She sobbed brokenly, “But he left you, please. I look out and see the faces of all the children that I can’t protect alone. Dean, help me keep them safe.”

Dean felt a single tear escape, “If he doesn’t come back, then I’ll do it.”

Meg kissed his cheek, “Thank you. You don’t know how much it means to me to be able to protect them.” A few more tears streaked down her face, “I’ll let you rest now. There’s so much to plan.”

}{ }{ }{ 
As Castiel came to, he felt the cold steel of the table underneath him and the bite of the leather straps restricting his movement. At first, he dare not open his eyes, until he felt the hot breath of his captor on his cheek, “Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey.” He watched in horror as the Demon select a ceremonial dagger from an array of shiny metal instruments. “Any last request or pleas for mercy? I can assure you it won’t help, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t ask?” It turned out Castiel didn’t have the time to utter a single syllable before the demon went to work carving sigils into his chest. The Demon hummed, actually hummed as he took his time and did his worst.

After what felt like days Castiel weakly pulled at the restraints. It was his last vie for freedom, but the magic was too powerful and he succumbed. Alastair didn’t even bother to clean up after killing the Angel. He left it for one of his minions to tend to. He just smiled and made his way back to the castle to prepare for the wedding.

}{ }{ }{ 
Sam and Gabriel had searched all over Kansas looking for the mysterious masked stranger, but there was simply no trace of him to be found. They wander through the forest around the palace and then Gabriel felt it. A tug. A sensation in his grace and he knew where they had to go. They ran the entire way to the Great Rock of Kansas.

The feeling was at its strongest and under the archway emblazoned with the words “Carry On Ye Wayward Son.” Gabriel frantically shoved at the rock until he triggered something and it suddenly slid out of the way. They made their way through a maze of tunnels and narrow corridors until they found someone laying on a table in the center of one of the larger chambers.

Gabriel sprinted to the limp form. He placed one hand on the man’s forehead and the other over his heart. Sam gasped as the body was surrounded by a strange blue glow that all too quickly dissipated leaving Gabriel clutching at the motionless body of his brother.

Sam stepped closer, his eyes immediately falling on the symbols that had been sliced into the masked man’s chest. “Was it magic? The cuts are bad, but they don’t look deep enough to…” he trailed off at Gabriel’s sharp intake of breath.

“That’s the problem. Pinocchio here isn’t a real boy. He’s an Angel and the sigils are keeping  him from healing.” Gabriel dragged a hand through his hair, “This is bad. Sam this is so bad. We have to get him to see Robert Singer.”

“Okay. Are you alright, Gabriel?”

“No! I can’t fix this. I should be able to and I can’t. I should have…He…Damn it! Get his legs.”

They hoisted the unconscious man and made their way through the forest until they arrived at a rundown house surrounded by derelict wagons and carriages.  After a few moments of calm rational quarrelling they decided that Gabriel would hide outside with the Angel while Sam knocked on the door. After all, Sam was like an innocent kitten and no one could refuse an innocent kitten.

With one last glare in the general direction of Gabriel, Sam knocked. The door swung open to reveal a man whose clothing was covered from head to toe in something red that looked suspiciously like blood, “I don’t care what you’re selling. Now’s not a good time.”

As the door began to shut, Sam called out, “Are you Robert Singer?”


“The court physician recently dismissed from the palace based on the suspicion of being a Hunter.”

“Bobby, you hear this?”

Another man walked over towards the door, “Fired for being a Hunter. Funny, I was pretty sure that was the only reason they hired me.”

The first man turned to Sam, “I’m Rufus and you seem to know Bobby. Now, tell me what exactly are you after boy?”

Sam hesitated for a moment, he eyes seeking out the spot where he had seen Gabriel disappear into the bushes, “Sam. My friend, he was injured. It was some kind of magic and if the stories about you…the stories about Hunters are true, we thought that maybe you could help.” Bobby and Rufus just stared blankly at Sam as he fidgeted uncomfortably. “We can pay you.”

Bobby hauled Sam through the front door by the shoulder, “Next time, just say that first.”

Sam tentatively stepped into the house. Shelves covered the walls and every available surface was covered with books. He jumped when Rufus moved behind him to hang up his hopefully not blood covered apron.

Rufus laughed and gestured at the garment, “Relax. I assure you, boy, it’s just paint and I only wear it to scare away the less committed clientele. Now, tell us what’s going on with your friend and will see if we can help.”

Sam’s eyes were wide and hopeful, “My, uh, friend was taken prisoner by Princess Meg and he was tortured by Demons. He hasn’t - isn’t responsive and he has a symbol carved into his chest.”

Bobby placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder, “Sorry, kid. We’ve always found it easier to survive if you don’t go messing around in the Princess’ affairs. At least now, that we aren’t in charge of them anymore.”

“That’s it then? You won’t even take a look?” Sam rubbed his palm over his face and his voice began to shake, “We can pay. Whatever you want. Just name it.”

“Truly, we are sorry, but right now, there is more at stake than just your friend. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the signs.” Bobby glared into Sam’s eyes as if daring him to contradict anything he said. “This world’s on the verge of something big and its going to end bloody for all of us. One more lost to the apocalypse isn’t going to tip the scale and we can’t stick our necks out against the Demons until the time is right.”

Sam was shouting now, “You don’t understand, he is the only one who can stop Meg and save my brother. If we don’t - if we can’t stop her, I don’t even want to think about what she’s going to do to Dean. You want to stop the Demons, then my friend out there is our only hope.”

“Bobby, let’s just take a look at the kid. Chances are we can’t help, but we should try.” Rufus saw the firm set of his friend’s jaw and knew reasoning wouldn’t work, so he decided to play dirty, “Remember Delaware. You promised.”

Bobby huffed out a humorless laugh, “Balls! This is going to be a waste of the last favor I owe him, but bring the kid in. I’ll wait in the study.”

Rufus practically shoved the younger man out the door, “Come on, that gesture of good will isn’t going to last forever. We need to hurry.”

They reached Gabriel and helped transport the Angel into Bobby’s study/makeshift exam room. The Hunter poked, prodded, and finally declared, “Your friend is not completely dead. Mostly, but not all the way.” Bobby looked at the Angel fondly, “The crafty son of a bitch found a way bind some of his grace to something and as long as whatever or more likely whoever, he is bound to is still kicking, then we should be able to save him.” The Hunter began gather supplies which included a knife, four large black feathers, a gold coin, and what appeared to be a large bottle of glitter.

Rufus cleared his throat, “This may get a touch messy. Maybe you boys should wait outside.”

Moving out to the porch seemed to only have amped up Gabriel’s nerves. Sam approached him cautiously, “Do you want to tell me what is actually going on or do you want to wait?”

“If I say wait, you’ll just give me the puppy dog eyes and I’ll cave, so I’ll tell you now. Everything I’ve told you about my family and the reasons I left was true, but I may have left out a minor detail.”

“How minor?”

Gabriel’s eyes had gone quite shifty, “That my family is the Heavenly Host and I’m really an Archangel.”


“When I left, I had to completely bind my grace. I couldn’t risk any of the Angels or Demons being able to find me. The war between Heaven and Hell is not one that you simply walk away from. The Angels want to kill me like the traitor that I am and the Demons want to torture me until they’ve drained me. After Lucifer’s rebellion, I found a way to fake my death, because I just couldn’t kill my family.”  Gabriel made a noise that could have been a laugh if it wasn’t so devastatingly heartbroken, “Not that they would have any trouble killing me.”

Sam closed his arms around the other man, “Well, you’re my family now.”

Rufus called them back into the house. The Angel’s condition looked unchanged to Sam, but something in Gabriel’s face had relaxed. “The sigils,” Bobby pointed at the Angel’s chest, “were more powerful than any I’ve come across in long time. I was able to perform what could arguably be called a miracle and he’ll live. That don’t mean in the next five minutes he’s going to jump up and dance a jig, but he should be completely healed in a few hours. A day at the most. We’ve got some clean clothes that should fit him and a wheelbarrow you can use for transport. Anybody stops you, just tell them he’s drunk.”

Sam flailed, “We don’t have hours. The Demons have my brother and we have to go now.

“You rush a miracle and you won’t like the results. Wait until you reach the castle and give him this,” Bobby handed Sam a small foil wrapped square.

“This is chocolate.”

Bobby deadpanned, “Your powers of deduction both amaze and astound me.”

“He had symbols carved into his chest, died, and has yet to regain consciousness. Now, you telling me the answer is chocolate.” Sam was completely exasperated.

“That about sums it up.”

Rufus jumped in and guided Sam away from Bobby, “Listen, he knows what he’s doing and the chocolate really will help. Never doubt the magical healing power of some delicious milk chocolate, especially if it has feverfew and several other special ingredients. Basically, the chocolate coating helps it go down smoother and if you are caught with it, no one will suspect anything about an innocent piece of candy.” Rufus glanced around to make sure Bobby wouldn’t hear him, “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but we have had one operative injured and another working for our side that’s deeply embedded with the Demons, someone very close to Bobby, we haven’t heard from for awhile. Not that Bobby is the easiest person to get along with on the best day, but until we hear something, just try not to piss him off too much.”

Sam realized that he wasn’t the only one with a loved one in danger and he walked back over to the Hunter, “Bobby, I’m sorry about before. I should have just said thank you.”

Bobby patted him on the back, “Your friends are ready.”

Gabriel was supporting a still limp Angel who was now dress in a fresh white tunic and long brown overcoat. “Sam, he’s a lot heaver than he looks, you mind helping us to the wheelbarrow?”

Sam quickly grabbed the Angel’s other side and again called out his thanks to the two Hunters. As they walked out of the room, Sam could have sworn he heard a voice coming from the gold coin that was still laying out after Bobby’s miracle, but this day had been strange enough so he let it go. After dumping their unconscious companion in the wheelbarrow, they headed off towards their destiny.

“Have fun storming the castle.” Rufus shouted from the door.

}{ }{ }{ 
Meg was looking out the window of her chamber when Alastair approached, “Highness.”

“I take it you’ve dealt with our situation?”

“Of course, consider it a wedding present.”

“I think it’s truly my favorite gift.” She slowly twirled in her white gown, “How do I look?”

“Like a queen about to finally embark on journey she was meant for.”

“I hate that it’s taken this long to find him again, but seems that may have worked in our favor. I mean the Ticks adore him. The little orphan boy who grew into the man that shares his grain with the poor and needy - blah, blah, blah. There’s nothing like a little good PR and a wedding to stir up support before an epic battle.” She began to pin her hair back, “Did you bring a gift for Dean as well?”

“A ceremonial dagger. I just hope that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”

“It will fall into the right hands. I shall personally see to it.”

He smiled menacingly, “As soon as you’re ready, your people await.”

}{ }{ }{ 
Dean stood outside the doors to the Great Hall, where the wedding would take place in just moments. He glanced down the corridor, expecting to see Cas at any moment. He still couldn’t piece together the events after the fire swamp, but several concussions will do that. He just kept picturing that moment in the forest where Cas had said no matter what, he would always come.  He held out hope even after he was ushered into the hall. He held it as he passed the field of Demons and Geotics that lined the aisle.

It wasn’t until Meg joined him that the reality started to set in. Castiel wasn’t coming and Dean felt the burning need to flee, but he pushed it down when he saw the faces of everyone that would be letdown if he did. The ceremony largely passed in a blur of incense and what sounded like Latin. Suddenly Alastair pronounced them man and wife and Dean was surrounded by guards then led towards what he presumed was unfortunately the honeymoon suite.

From the middle of the guards, Alastair abruptly stopped in front of Dean and presented him with gilded box, “Consider it a wedding present.”

Dean opened it, “A dagger? Thanks, I guess.” Dean was still perplexed as Alastair was usually content to just glare at him.

“It has lots of sentimental value.” Alastair added coldly before retreating down the hall. In response to the gift and Dean’s confusion, the guards laughed.

“What?” Dean sneered.

“Sentimental value.” When Dean still didn’t get the joke, the guard continued, “He used that to kill an Angel.”

Dean’s fist connected the guard’s face with a satisfying crack. He fought them all and in the end it took twelve of them to restrain him. He just kept thinking the Angel wasn’t Cas. It couldn’t be. Cas left before they could get him.

}{ }{ }{ 
Sam and Gabriel parked there wheelbarrow full of comatose Angel about a third of a mile from the castle gates. Sam began unwrapping the chocolate, “Open his mouth.”

“I wish we had time to do this up right, a fire roasted marshmallow and graham crackers.” Gabriel answered wistfully as he opened the Angel’s mouth.

Sam popped the candy in, “How long do you think we have to wait?”

The wait turned out to be very brief as Castiel’s eyes immediately popped open, “I’m alive?”
Gabriel squeezed Castiel’s shoulder, “Yea, little bro. It was a close call, but we found a guy who worked a miracle.”

“Where’s Dean?” he rasped.

Sam answered as the calm and rational one, “He’s in the castle with Meg and we’re going to get him back, but first we need some information. Are you up to answering a few questions?” The Angel nodded and Sam proceeded, “First, who are you?”


“No way, you’re that little fledgling. I remember you with the super bright blue eyes, messy hair, giant black wings, and the overwhelming need to be as literal as possible.”

“Now is maybe not the time for a walk down memory lane. Castiel, why do the Demons want Dean?”

Castiel’s hissed in pain as he attempted to shift his weight, “They’re going to kill him so they can raise Lucifer and start the apocalypse.”

Sam raked a hand through his hair, “We need a plan and we need to get in there now.”

“Our main problem will be once we enter the walls of the castle, Gabriel and I won’t be able to use our grace, because of the protection spells.” Castiel was looking progressively more alive as the moments ticked by.

Sam sighed, “Okay, what do we do?”

Castiel managed to sit up on his own, “We need a diversion…a big one.”

“Funny you should say that, Diversion is my middle name.” Gabriel smiled wolfishly. “Leave it to me.” Gabriel gazed dreamily into the distance, “I just wish we had some paper mache and sequins.”

}{ }{ }{ 
Meg approached the group of guards surrounding Dean with a satisfied smirk on her face and motioned for them to release him.

Dean scoffed, “Enjoy it while you can, your highness. Castiel will come for me and then you can kiss your precious apocalypse goodbye.”

“It’s sweet that you still expect him to swoop in here and be your very own knight in shining armor. However, I’m afraid he won’t be able to make it this time.” Meg answered in an amused tone.

“Castiel is going to smite the shit out of you!”

“No, my darling husband, I regret to inform you that your pathetic farm boy was in the way. So, I sent one of my advisors to deal with him. You remember Alastair, right?” Dean made a choked noise and tried to run at the Demon, but she simply flicked her wrist and he was pinned against the wall. “I don’t know if you birdie had the chance to tell you or not, but your family was quite famous.” Meg straightened her dress, “Dean, your death is the key to freeing Lucifer. There was a prophecy that told of a child who could unlock the cage. Naturally, we went through hundreds of children before we realized it was you we were looking for. The problem with prophecies is that they are so subjective. Sadly, the Angels grabbed you before we could finish things, but it seems that may have worked in our favor.” she continued, “You shall serve a much greater purpose…”

Outside the castle, a great commotion erupted. Screams echoed down the corridors. “A princess’ work is never done. Please excuse me for a moment, Love.” She trailed her fingers up his arm, “Just behave yourself and I’ll let your people live, as a token of my affection.” Meg released the magic holding Dean to the wall and he slumped, hanging his head silently.

}{ }{ }{ 
Sam and the Angels had moved closer to the castle. As they hid behind the trees Gabriel, who had been tight lipped up to this point, finally confided the details of his plan. Sam and Castiel were stunned. Mainly, because they were all surely going to die, but also because, sadly, it was the only plan they had. Everything would rely heavily on Gabriel’s strength and whether or not his hunch about only the inexperienced guards being stationed at the gates and while all of the more experienced guards had been placed with the princess.  They all took a moment to silently prepare.

Gabriel took a step away and Sam caught him by the wrist and pulled him into a fierce embrace, “If you get killed, I will never ever forgive you.”

“You might want to consider being a motivational speaker when this is over.” When the joke fell flat, Gabriel cupped Sam’s cheek, “Sam, it’s me we talking about here. I’ve never gotten myself into any situation that I couldn’t charm my way out of. Don’t worry about me. Just get your brother.” Gabriel responded with more confidence then he felt.

Sam released him and Gabriel to walk up to the castle gates. He dramatically cleared his throat and screamed, “Ha-ha, I’m an Angel and you can’t catch me.” He stuck out his tongue and waited for the guards to give chase before sprinting away from where his friends were hiding.

Sam and Castiel quickly made their way into the now unguarded entrance and began the search for Dean. The protection spells covering the walls affected Cas much sooner than they anticipated and he fell to the floor. Sam slung Castiel’s arm over his shoulder and placed an arm around the Angel’s waist as they slowly made their way through the castle. A noise alerted them to the approach of Demons and they swiftly ducked into a doorway pressing themselves against the wall. When the noise didn’t seem to be getting closer, Sam cautiously peered out. He saw yellow eyes glinting in the dim light, before their owner turned and continued down the hall. He couldn’t contain the shudder that ran through him.

“Sam, what’s wrong?”

“It’s him. It’s the beast that killed my father.” Sam was torn between staying to protect Castiel and running after the Demon.


“Cas, you can barely move on your own. I can’t leave you.”

“I can be surprisingly resourceful, now go.” He used all the strength he could muster to stand on his own volition and watched as the youngest Winchester strode toward his destiny.

Sam reluctantly made his way to the end of the corridor and entered the door on his right searching for the yellow eyed Demon. He took two steps before Azazel slammed him into the wall, “You must be that little Winchester brat. Are you finally ready to learn the lesson I taught your father all those years ago.” Sam blanched at the mention of his father to Azazel’s delight, “Or you could always give up now and save yourself the embarrassment of failing.”

“Never!” Sam shoved back hard, but could budge the Demon.

“Are you seriously still trying to win? Tisk, tisk. You've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance and it's going to get you into trouble.”

Sam found the strength the push the Demon back, “Hello, I am Sam Winchester. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” He managed to pull his father’s knife from his belt.

“Do you really think that little toy can hurt me?”

“Well, my dad always said it could kill anything, let’s find out.” Sam sliced Azazel’s arm with the blade and smoke poured out, “Hello, I am Sam Winchester. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” Sam raised the blade again.

“Wait! Just wait!” Azazel cried as the smoke continued to spill out, “Let’s talk about this. There must be something you want.”

Sam maneuvered the knife against the Demon’s throat, “What could you possibly offer me?”

“Money, power, you name it and I’ve got the juice to make it happen.”

“I want my father back, you son of a bitch.” He cut the Demon’s throat and watched as Azazel dissolved into smoke. Sam took a moment to let the weight lift from his shoulders. With his eyes glistening, he took off on the hunt for Dean.

}{ }{ }{ 
Dean was locked into one of the formal guestrooms to await his bride. He took pride in the fact he’d broken at least one guard’s nose and another’s arm before they got him into the room. He was pacing his cage like a tiger, when saw the box with the dagger sitting on a table. Without a moment’s hesitation it opened the box and grabbed the blade. If he was going to die, then he was going to do it on his terms. He positioned it over his heart and then he heard a voice behind him. “Given that I have dedicated my life since pulling you out of Hell to keeping you safe from the Demons, could you try not to damage that perfectly wonderful protection tattoo, as a favor to me?” Dean dropped the knife and jumped as it clattered to the floor. “After all, I did come back from the dead for you…twice.”

Within seconds, Dean was on him like a starved octopus, wrapping himself around Castiel in an effort to completely engulf the Angel. He decided to forego the usual pleasantries - How did you get here? How are you alive…again? Isn’t the weather exceptionally lovely and mild for this time of year? - Instead he began a fervent attempt to kiss the Angel to death, which given Castiel’s recent experience; he felt would be the preferable way to die. Alas, the Angel was still weak from his earlier demise and the magic protecting the castle made simply breathing almost impossible; thus he was merely a passive observer in his post-death reunion with Dean. “Castiel, if you don’t start reciprocating, I’m going to start to think you don’t like me.” Dean managed to sound both cocky and uncertain.

“I can assure you that you are emphatically and categorically wrong on that count.”

With that tiny bit of encouragement, Dean redoubled his efforts without noticing that his partner stayed motionless. He kissed him deeply and began trailing his hands up and down Castiel’s sides, when he suddenly shoved himself off the Angel. “You have to stop, Castiel. This isn’t right. I’m - I cannot believe this is happening, but I kind of, might be, sort of married. It was an accident.” Dean’s eyes widened comically and he flailed his arms as the words spilled out of him in a desperately attempt to explain the situation, “Not like an ‘Oops I dropped something’ kind of accident, but - This is exactly why I don’t talk about me feelings. I - You left again and Meg said we could save people and this was the only way. I couldn’t just stand there and let anyone get hurt knowing I could do something. I didn’t have a choice and then you were dead. Maybe, if you could stay put and stop dying for like five minutes, then I wouldn’t continuously end up in these situations. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe this whole thing is your fault?”

“It can’t be my fault, if it never happened.”

“I think I would know if I’m married or not”

Castiel answered teasingly, “You didn’t know if I was dead or not.”

“How can you even joke at a time like this? You’re alive, I’m married, and I am NOT married to you!”

“Did you say ‘I do’?”

“No, the ceremony was Demonic.”

“Well, that proves you aren’t married. Demons don’t have a matrimonial ritual per say, they have a binding ceremony that requires such copious amounts of blood that it would have most assuredly resulted in your death had you had partaken in it.  As you look very alive to me, you are also very much not married. Isn’t that right Princess?” He glared at Meg, who was now standing at the end of the bed.

“You are very astute. True, we may not actually have been wed, but sadly, the Geotics won’t know that. They will only know that an Angel named Castiel invaded the castle and murdered my love on our wedding night. It’s so much more poetic that the Angel in question lived among them and posed as a Tick for so long. They will demand vengeance and they won’t stop until every Angel has felt their wrath. All the while clearing the way for Lucifer to take his rightful place of power, but don’t worry, you’ll both be dead by morning.”

Castiel responded in an icy voice, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

“Was that supposed to be a threat? Since there are enough sigils here that I am surprised you are capable of arguing with me, you’ll have to forgive me if I doubt you are actually able to fight at the moment.”

Castiel was still slumped on the bed, “All your pretty sigils make you feel safe, Princess?”

Meg sneered, “Such tough talk. I think it’s time to see if you can fly little Angel, now that you don’t have your wings.” Castiel laughed, “I’m glad to see that your imminent demise amuses you so.”

Castiel smiled serenely, “It’s just, I know something you don’t.”

“And that would be?”

“I know what the sigils won’t protect you from.”

“Please tell me you don’t think you the Tick will save you.” Meg laughed and with a wave of her hand she sent Dean crashing into the wall.

Castiel’s grin widened, “Wrong. The sigils won’t protect you from…”

Meg’s amusement was cut short as voice behind her said, “…me.” Crowley wasted no time and she gasped in shock as she felt the blade pierce her heart. Her body dissolved into dense black smoke before it could hit the ground.

“Hello boys. Miss me?” Crowley made his way over to Castiel only to be blocked by Dean.

“Stay back.” He brandished the dragger.

“Dean, try not to kill the reinforcements.” Cas sighed. “Crowley, you always did like to make an entrance.” Dean offered Castiel a hand to pull him up, “We need to go before the Demons have had time to regroup.”

Dean wrapped an arm around the Angel’s waist, and holding him up, “You alright, Farm Boy?”

Before Castiel could answer, Crowley interjected, “Good news, I dropped in on our old friend and the cavalry’s waiting right outside.”

Dean looked progressively skeptical, “If that’s the good news, is there bad as well?”

“The Angels will be here any minute. I suggest we hurry.” Crowley helped prop Castiel up and they trudged out of the castle with Castiel sagging against them. The cavalry turned out to be a very motley crew indeed. A mass of Ticks, fallen Angels, and turncoat Demons stood ready for the fight.

Bobby made his way over to them, “Feathers, your health seems to have improved.”

“Much.” Castiel studied the troops, “It looks like after a few setbacks, we’re going with Plan D.”

“Your brief and inconvenient death, killed plans A and B. I couldn’t find enough parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme to make C work. So, D it is.” Bobby replied.

“What’s plan D?” Dean asked.

“Basically, fight like hell.” Bobby said matter-of-factly.

“Dean, please let me introduce you to Bobby Singer, also known as Dillingham and you’ve already met Crowley, also known as Badger.”

“Of course, the Demon who kidnapped and attempted to murder me is not only on our side, but one of your mentors. Great.”

“I believe you mean, the Demon that rescued you. The attempted to murder thing is all on you. Who tries to escape a rescue?” Crowley corrected.

Dean’s voice grew steadily louder, “Maybe, someone who doesn’t know that they’re being knocked out, tied up, held against their will, and dragged all over Wisconsin under the constant threat of violence, because it’s a rescue mission.”

“Well, next time ask and I’ll tell you,” Crowley winked.

“If you are quite done trying to make me jealous, I’ve got troops to motivate.” Bobby barked and made his way to where most of the troops had gathered.

Crowley stared adoringly at Bobby’s retreating form, “Don’t worry; he’s just in a bit of a grump, because he’s missed my pretty face.”Dean rolled his eyes at the besotted Demon, then they joined the soldiers.

Bobby paced along the line, “I’m not here to sugarcoat anything or hold your hand. We are at war. It ain’t gonna be quick or easy, but we can win this. Fight smart and fight hard.” He turned the full force of his glare on them, “If you can’t or aren’t willing to die for the good of humanity, then I suggest you run, fast. Chances are we won’t all make it out of this alive, but those us that do, will live free from the apocalypse.” He paused, “We’ll also probably hunt you down afterward, but that’s for another day. Right now, you got to have faith and remember…” His speech was cut short as the apocalypse literally erupted around them, “Balls, just fight.”

The Demons began pouring out of the castle and the Angels lined the sky above. “Wait for it,” Crowley called and Dean could feel the tension building. “Wait for it.” They all stood poised and ready to snap into action at any second, “Now!” Only instead of attacking them, the frontlines of their enemies, made up of the third class cherubs and lower level crossroads Demons, turned and began fighting their own sides. The Hunters on the grounds then charged into the melee. Swords clanked and fists flew as the battle raged on.

As Gabriel cut down several Demons, he saw Alastair to his right and fought his way to him, “I don’t think we’ve met, but you know my brother.”

“Oh.” The Demon raised his sword advanced on him.

Gabriel simply snapped his fingers and the Demon burst into smoke and ash. “It was a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.” Gabriel said with a curtsey as the last of the cinders fell to the floor. He reentered skirmish and saw that all sides seemed to be taking very heavy hits.

Suddenly everything stopped and they were all frozen like statues. Held by some unseen force as the sky opened up and a giant rainbow spilled out. The sound of hooves echoed as a Figure astride a unicorn began racing down towards them. Upon reaching the ground, the unicorn was dismounted and a surprisingly weary voice called, “Children stop.”

The force holding them motionless lifted and Dean watched as the Hunters and Angels knelt. The Demons slowly shifted towards the castle. Bobby proceeded to slapped him on the back of the head and growl, “Kneel.” Dean complied with the request, but mostly he really just wanted a brief respite from things slamming into his skull.

The squirrelly, yet distinguished Figure spoke, “Through the years, I have been called many names, but you can call me Chuck.” He tugged nervously at his navy striped robes, “All this hatred is poisonous. I had hoped for better, but so many of you are clamoring for the end. You claw and scrape and won’t be satisfied until all creation lays in ruin.” Chuck’s sad eyes swept over them, “In fact, the only reason I’ve been called here today is that among you exists the greatest purest force in the universe…love.”  He let His eyes linger on the battlefield, “Love is the lesson that we will learn here today.” Chuck nodded and a swarm of Cherubs loaded their bows. They fired into the crowd causing showers of glittery gold hearts to envelop the courtyard.

With as snap of His fingers, Chuck transported our heroes to an empty field far from the castle, “I want to thank you. Today you showed that love goes beyond the boundaries of blood, friendship, and species. True love is all encompassing and knows no prejudice.” Chuck smirked, “Don’t worry about those left at the castle, the Cupids will just use enough power to cloud their minds of preconceived notions and biases, thus allowing them to decided their feelings based on the individual and not their mislead loyalties.”

Castiel spoke uncertainly, “I have a question, I must ask.”

Chuck beamed, “The answer is yes, Cas.”

Cas was overcome with happiness, “Dean…”

“My answer’s yes too, Cas.” Dean kissed him lightly on the cheek and then stared longingly into his eyes.

Bobby groaned and looked exceedingly uncomfortable with the entire emotional lovey touchy feely moment Dean and Cas were having.

Crowley poked Bobby playfully in the side and spoke in an infuriatingly adorable manner, “Petal, I’m so glad you were spared, because of your deep and all encompassing love for me.”.

“Balls.” Bobby scrubbed a hand over his face, “Its times like this, I long for the days before I met you.”

“Robert!” Crowley fluttered his eyes, “It’s okay, I know if you didn’t like it, then you wouldn’t have put a binding spell on it.” Bobby couldn’t suppress his smile and he twined their fingers together.

Gabriel gazed resignedly at the others before elbowing Sam and whispering, “He’s your brother. You should talk to him.”

Sam looked briefly panicked and walked over to Dean, “Um…Hi.”

“Hi.”Dean tugged at the hem of his shirt, “Sorry about the whole knife business back on the boat.”

“Sorry about the whole kidnapping thing, I guess.” Sam’s eyes remained glued to the floor.

“Look, this is crap. Let’s just start from here - Clean slate.” Sam nodded finally looking at Dean. “We’re brothers. Granted we skipped a few years and several important brotherly milestones, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start now.”

Sam frowned slightly and he a small voice he said, “For so many years, I knew exactly what I was doing. Now, that I’ve finally gotten revenge, I’m lost. I’ve never had to think about what I would like to do or make plans that didn’t involve ganking that son of a bitch and being a Hunter. I’m kind of lost now.”

“You ever given any thought to farming?” At Sam’s confused look, Dean continued, “I know a little place that really needs help. Seriously, Cas is the worst farm boy in history. It also happens to have me there, which is a bonus. Of course, we could do the whole Hunters thing on the side if you want.”

Sam just smiled, “I’d like that.”

Gabriel watched as the Winchesters finally had their official reunion without the end of the world looming over them and he felt as if his heart had withered inside his chest. Sam could finally have the family he’d desperately wanted and he wouldn’t have a need for his Angelic castaway tagging along.

Chuck approached His wayward messenger and led him off away from the others, “What will you do now, Gabriel?”

Gabriel sighed, “I’m adrift. No ties. I guess I’ll go wherever the water takes me.”

“Did you ever think that maybe you were always meant to leave Heaven?” Gabriel quirked an eyebrow and Chuck continued, “Leaving brought you here, where you were needed most. It gave you the skills you needed to save the world. Seeing you now, I see who you were always meant to be. There is a light inside you that never shined as bright when you were with the Host.”

“Just couldn’t handle the whole nine to five.” Gabriel huffed out a laugh, “You know what they say, if you can’t do a job well, fake your death and run.”


“I guess there’s not much point in sticking around here any longer. I spent so many years running from the Angels, this fight, and everything. Now, that it’s over, I’m tired.”

“Gabriel, he’s a nice boy, maybe you should just try and be happy.” The Angel’s smile was blinding, “Plus, someone’s going to have to keep an eye on Cas.”

“That kid sure does know how to stir up trouble.”

“Just take care of yourselves and look after the world.” Chuck slowly stepped away, “Maybe you could use these.” Chuck gestured behind Gabriel.

When Gabriel turned, there were six pure white unicorns, “Hey, thanks…” He called, but Chuck had already disappeared. “Come on guys, I think we’ve earned a long sunny vacation.” He beckoned to his friends.

"They rode toward the future, knowing that they were finally free. As the sun shone down on them, Dean and Castiel reached for each other and…"


“Don’t worry. I’m going to respect your feelings about the ‘emotional kissing stuff.’ So, I guess ‘The End.’ Thanks for letting me read it to you.”

“I think you might be right about the ‘emotional kissing stuff’ being an integral part of the story. I don’t want to miss something important and really, it hasn’t been so terrible.” Chuck muttered.

“Are you sure, because since the invention of slash fiction, there have been five kisses per OTP that were rated the most passionate, the most pron-worthy, and the most kink inspiring. This one left them all behind?”

Chuck mumbled something into the blankets that Becky decided to take as encouragement and continued. “Just remember you asked for it. ‘Dean and Castiel reached for each other and what began as a soft chaste pressing of lips, slowly began to smolder and deepen. It was a kiss full of love, passion, and freedom. It was a kiss that reverberated through every fiber of their beings and stopped time as everything around them melted away. For that moment or maybe forever, they stayed there with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed together, content to just breathe each other’s air. The End.’ Now, I think you ought to go to sleep, Monkey.”

“Becky…” Chuck snuggled down into the duvet partially for warmth and partially to hide the sappy grin on his face, “Maybe you could read me the sequel tomorrow.”

“As you wish.”


(Theme Song)

An Excerpt From:
Once Upon A Time On The Dreaded Ship Crossroads
The Sequel To The Hunter Groom


“So, you know a lot about Demon/Human marriages?”

“More than most Angels. I even got to attend one.”

“Did the Geotic make it?” Dean asked with trepidation.

Castiel smiled suspiciously, “Yes, he is doing quite well.”

“Good. That’s good.” He gave the Angel a sidelong look.

“Don’t worry Dean. The angelic wedding ceremony is much simpler and considerably less painful.”

“No blood or death involved?”

Castiel smirked, “No, we just exchange feathers.”

“Cas, I don’t have feathers.”

“We’ll improvise,” He pulled Dean into a passionate kiss that was as far from their first as it was their last.

Author’s Note 4: Following in the grand tradition of The Princess Bride, I plan to have the sequel written by the thirty fifth anniversary of this fic!<3

fandom: supernatural, crowley is adorable, wait unicorns aren't real, writing or something like it, the epic love story of sam/gabriel, hezio2 rocks, the epic love story of dean/cas, the epic love story of bobby/crowley, fic: the hunter groom, the epic love story of chuck/becky, fangirlishness

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