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mrs_min_ai September 8 2008, 19:33:42 UTC
HAHAHA~ *bites you back*
There... now it's equally awkward! XD And of course we're already friends silly~!!! :D *glomps you*


renichifreak September 8 2008, 15:27:59 UTC
I won't friend you yet(though I really, REALLY want to!!!) without asking first!

I LOVE your fix!! I've reviewed a bunch of them, too.hehe

Eunhyuk is my future husband, Yoochun is my DBSK boyfriend, and I ADORE all of them!!!!!

I'm old. Older than Teukie, even...27. hehe


mrs_min_ai September 8 2008, 19:40:10 UTC
Oh... oh... oh... a surprise attack friending! I'll be ready! XD

And really?? *beams* I'm glad you like my fics!!!!! :DDD

And that's so funny, I always viewed Hyukkie and Chunnie as like my best friends in those groups!!! XD Gah!!! I love them!!! <333

And older the Teukie oppa? =O That's so cool!!!! \(^o^)/


renichifreak September 8 2008, 19:44:14 UTC
hehe. I wanna adopt Changmin and Ryeowook-I made a 'Need to Pet' list. It only has 4 people on it, but the top 2 are Ryeo and Henry(SOCUTE>o<)!!!

Like? I LOVE your fix!!!


mrs_min_ai September 8 2008, 20:00:23 UTC
GAH!!! Henry and Wookie?? SO FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!! *squishes them* Henry has the most pinchable cheeks I've ever seen, and Wookies smile is so adorable I just wanna hug him!!! And Donghae... cutest little fishy EVAR! D:

*hugs you* <333


bubbly_spirit September 8 2008, 22:37:38 UTC
Whao~! You are 19? Goodness... You're a pretty good writer for 19 years of age. ^^;; And I think you are pretty awesome! Actually, I'm pretty weird myself. I'm unique, different, and pretty much darn right moody. ROFL. I like the most strangest things, and I dont' even know if I'm a tomboy or a girly! *gasp* So shocking... I'm on a search to find out my TRUE identity, so I can share myself to the woooorld! Tee hee *giggles*

I think it's great that you are introducing yourself ^^ In fact, let me introduce MYSELF!

Name: Stephanie (Sunday)
Age: That... is actually... secret.. ^^;; Sorry!! My parents' sakes!
DOB: April 24! 2 days after BigBang's Daesung! Awesome!
Likes: Music, dancing, talking to self (weird, huh?), Guitar Hero (It rox!), DBSK, Super Junior, SS501, Korea <3 ( ... )


mrs_min_ai September 8 2008, 23:05:31 UTC
I'm a good writer for a 19 year old? Are you older than me then? UNNIE? *glomps* XD And OMG we have so much in common then!!! I LOVE DANCING!!! I seriously tried to learn the dances to like three of DBSK's songs, and two of SuJu's and other random dances I feel like learning. And I KNOW RIGHT!!! Darkness Eyes is probably one of my favorite songs of theirs!!! IT'S AWESOME!!! I pretty much agree with everything else you said too!!! :D *hugs you*


bubbly_spirit September 9 2008, 21:01:01 UTC
Ahh, I wish I was... I'm younger ^^;; And I wish you LOADS of luck to learn the dances ^^ I heard that they're pretty hard... I'm trying to learn CSJH's "One More Time, OK?" song's dance... It's not too hard, but at the same time it takes a while to learn. Oh! And one more question... Are you Korean? <3 Squeeeee~



mrs_min_ai September 9 2008, 21:39:50 UTC
LOL yeah they are pretty hard, that's why I always give up like half way through! XD But oh I should try to learn that dance, it's so cute! =3 but no... i'm not korean! ^^; I just use the random korean words I know! XDDD


veronicaleandra September 14 2008, 20:53:50 UTC
lol love your gifs they are always so cute. i'm not sure why i havent talked with you much your hilarious.oh and to make things akward between us *BIte*


mrs_min_ai September 14 2008, 21:19:32 UTC
lmaooooooooo *bites you back*
i swear this biting thing is like a bonding ritual with me now!!! XDDDD
but thank you... saddly i only collect the gifs. i'm afraid i'm not talented enough to make 'em yet. i always forget disclaimers >.>
but the amusing captions are all mine! >:D HAHAHAHA~


butterfly015 September 14 2008, 22:15:36 UTC
FRIEND ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi, im nikki, (nikisa) and i think you are king..... sorry, that was a really crappy japanese joke.

lol, ive just spent the last 5 minuets staring at that gif an laughing my giant ass off.

i think the main thing i have to say is that you are an amazing writer and would be honoured if i could be your friend......

if you say yes i'll send you changmin, gift-wrapped with lots of pretty ribbons. the perfect gift.... XD

im thinking i should say something useful now... oops

well im older than 4.... lol im actually 20 thought i dont act like it
i love all things DBSK. SJ, BATTLE,and J-pop/J-Rock
I like you sing and dance, even thought im not very good at either
and the oddest thig i have done this week was learn the tell me + so hot dance
im now starting on SJ's U.... but Rokkugo by SJ-T is really appealing

THAT SONG is addicting for no REASON..... except for heechul/girl in the PV... lols

i spaz alot dont i.... again oops..... i think ill stop now. :)


mrs_min_ai September 14 2008, 22:48:58 UTC
HI NIKKI!!!♥♥♥♥

XDDDD!! yoochun backin' that thang up?? >:] i rolled on the floor laughing my slightly larger than normal ass off when i first saw it! XD it's just all types of win and fail all rolled into one.

*blushes* i'm not that great... *adds you* i'll be expecting my gift wrapped Changmin in the mail in about 10 business days... i'll take care of him REAL good. >:] *meniacal laughter*

and OMGGGG i tried learning the tell me dance the other day!!! it's strangely fun... >.> i also learned suju's U dance too!!! (well the beginning and random parts in between i happened to pick up on) and rokkugo... most addicting song EVAR!!! D: is it odd that i think heechul makes a prettier girl than me... and i like it?? XDDD

anyhoo... this just proves to show I'm made up of about 90% spazz... so, yeah... THANKS FOR THE ADD BB!!! <3333333


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