Fic: Beauty

Jan 25, 2009 22:28

Title: Beauty
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Written for redismycolour day 24 quote prompt
Episodes: Post Exit Wounds
Summary: Jack had walked upon many planets and all their different grounds in his lifetime

A/N: This prompt was really hard for me to write, so any and all concrit is especially welcome.


Jack had walked upon many planets and all their different grounds in his lifetime: kighlu, wood, even Lycra - that'd been a good planet Jack thought fondly, a smile appearing on his face - but Earth snow was by far the best. From the soft crunch as his boot compressed the light flakes together, to the stillness and calm that seeped from the tiny sparkles, and how it moulded itself to the shape of the foot, hand or even body that dared break it's beauty.

“Jack, did we really need to come out here this early?” Ianto asked, quietlycalling out from his place on the front step as he watched Jack pace around in the snow. A violent shiver trembled through his body, the harsh cold wind whipping around his bare chest and nearly pulling him off his safe stepand into the cold snow. Jack stopped his pacing, contemplating the real answer in silence. He turned back to his young Welshman, and smiled a real smile which Ianto couldn't help but return.

“Day after day we see the crap the Rift shoves at us, but snow; snow is untarnished and pure, but it's ruined the second somebody breaks the first flake-” Jack bent down to scoop up a handful of the cool snow, watching it melt almost instantaneously in his hands. Suddenly, his smile turned almost cynical. “I just wanted to see something good, something that isn't broken by what we do every single day.”

Silently, Ianto stepped forward into the snow, and entwined a hand into the Captains own offering support and love and so much more in the small gesture.

It's always easier to find pain in such beauty, than it is to find a speck of beauty in horror and suffering.


character: jack harkness, character: ianto jones, challenge: redismycolour, pairing: jack/ianto

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