comedy friending meme 2016

Jul 16, 2016 16:56

Hello! Welcome to the Comedy Friending Meme! Fill out the questions in a comment!
1. General Information you want to provide (age, location, name, etc)
2. What are your favorite comedy movies?
3. What are your favorite comedy shows?
4. What are your favorite sketch comedy shows?
5. Who are your favorite comedians or comedy troupes?
6. What got you interested in comedy?
7. Do you have any favorite jokes/styles of humor/techniques?
8. Anything else you want to mention/any gifs you want to post?
9. If you want, list any ships or favorite characters. (Real life ships are okay. The sketch world is filled with fictional versions of real people)
  • Have fun!
  • Be polite!
  • Respect each other!
  • Include anything you consider comedy, even if it's not obvious to everyone. Include anything you want that's a combination of comedy + another genre.
  • Feel free to add questions or split up questions into smaller categories (web shows, comedian musicians, current shows, cancelled shows, comedy authors, etc)

memes, friending meme, comedy

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