Book meme

Nov 20, 2010 19:24

I know; everyone else has finished this ages ago. But here's mine.

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Comments 5

azalaisdep November 20 2010, 20:11:12 UTC
No-one on my flist has managed this without Tolkien yet ;-)

The only Mantel I've read is still Wolf Hall, though that blew me away, and I do keep meaning to read more of her.

The Buckeridge Jennings books! Crikey and corks, I hadn't thought about those for years.

I adore Flashman, but am not sure I could say they've influenced me (possibly a good thing?)

I thought the Resident Geek would have Feynman, but he actually plumped for John Gribbin, who wrote on physics for New Scientist and Nature in the 1980s and without whom, RG says, he would never have wanted to be a physicist (and therefore never got as far as Feynman)...


mraltariel November 20 2010, 20:29:04 UTC
Heh! I would say I *am* influenced by Flashman (or, at least, by the way they are written). I find it fascinating how GMF manages to write about the period concerned from what feels like a POV within it, rather than an obviously modern commentary.

I'd forgotten about John "In Search of Schroedinger's Cat" Gribbin! Nature in the 1980s didn't have nearly enough Physics in it, as I remember. It was the start of the biotech explosion and I was thoroughly bored with all those articles :)

I was thus storing up a lot of bad karma that turned into that part of my career that involved proteomics.


azalaisdep November 20 2010, 22:16:27 UTC
The dogeared copy of In Search of Schroedinger's Cat still has a proud place on our bookshelves (erm, somewhere...)

I was thus storing up a lot of bad karma that turned into that part of my career that involved proteomics.

Oh, the things we think we despise in adolescence that come back to bite us...


gair November 22 2010, 09:32:09 UTC
You have good influences.


mraltariel November 22 2010, 09:34:05 UTC
I know for a fact that my writing style is a mélange of all of these.


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