Actually, I've settled on a nice used engine. 24K miles, comes with the supercharger and 1 year parts+labor warranty. $2750.
Part of me wants to rebuild my '97 Grand Prix as well. Just need new front/rear bumper wraps, new driver's seat, new climate control module (which requires removing the dash), rebuilt engine, new steering wheel controls for the stereo, and a redo on the window tint. (Oh, and maybe a new driver's-side door insert since mine got busted awhile back during *dealer servicing!!!* but I didn't find out until too late.) The supercharger's rebuilt, the transmission's rebuilt, the fuel pump's new, the rest of the car is in nice condition. If I rebuilt it, it very well could be worth much more than the cost of rebuilding.
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Actually, I've settled on a nice used engine. 24K miles, comes with the supercharger and 1 year parts+labor warranty. $2750.
Part of me wants to rebuild my '97 Grand Prix as well. Just need new front/rear bumper wraps, new driver's seat, new climate control module (which requires removing the dash), rebuilt engine, new steering wheel controls for the stereo, and a redo on the window tint. (Oh, and maybe a new driver's-side door insert since mine got busted awhile back during *dealer servicing!!!* but I didn't find out until too late.) The supercharger's rebuilt, the transmission's rebuilt, the fuel pump's new, the rest of the car is in nice condition. If I rebuilt it, it very well could be worth much more than the cost of rebuilding.
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