hey there,really sorry just have the time to reply,kinda a little bit tired and overslept...
thanks!...yeah,I kinda figure out that I do have emo tendencies.hahaha...
thanks again,and really sorry I stole this from your page,I kinda like to hanging out a.k.a stalking there, if I want to read some good stuffs kuroganexfye fic...that were my favorite pairing too...
sometimes they just kinda little bit remind me with zosan from their appearance in the outside,but in the inside,their much more angsty and kinda dark...well,maybe it's only me whose think that why...sorry...
...Aaand you'd beee... Half-Emo Redrum Beer (Bear) !! *DOOOONG!!* >.>; okay, that was random, but the point is that, being half emo is better that emo, at least logika masih jalan, unlike my over sensitive friend, we have planned with other friends to go to mall from like, a week before, and this little friend of mine just all of sudden wants to go to another place which is far away from this mall (of course we said that we can't, coz everyone was busy). The next day (D day), she cancelled it, saying that she was 'ill'. 'Ill' my ass, >_> ... Ah, sorry for my random rambling btw x.X
gak pa2,rambling aja terus,sekalian gue cari inspirasi(gue harap kamu gak keberatan gue jadiin bahan inspirasi.don't worry,inspirasi yang baek2 aja,kok,man.I'll do that a lots from all of my friends around me.sorry)...and your DOOOOOONG words is funny! ^_^...kayaknya kamu udah bisa nangkap jiwanya odachi sensei jepang gih,ngelamar jadi asistennya.kamu ada bakat...gue doain keterima...terus kalo udah keterima, jangan lupa traktirannya,ya...hahaha...becanda kok...but very seriously di bagian "kamu ada bakat"...
XDD;; lol, yah, kadang aku sendiri juga nyari bahan inspirasi dari lingkungan sekitar juga heheh... tapi bener deh, temen gw ini... entah dikategorikan sebagai sensitif, atau gampang emo X__x;; anak cewek, tunggal, jurusan Bahasa Inggris, ortunya sering tinggalin dia di rumah, mungkin itu yang bikin dia berubah tahun2 terakhir ini yah... haiihh... LOL, ah engga lah, jadi asisten-nya Oda (atau asisten komikus lainnya) itu tuntutannya tinggi. Karena gw tipe orang yang menggambar sesuai dengan mood, jadinya cuman bisa gambar amatir doang (untuk kesenangan) x__x; Ngomong2 soal bakat, pas tes IQ waktu aku masih SMA, bakatku ternyata di bidang musik (yang gak kusenengi) dan gak ada bakat di bidang grafis @__@;; dan kalau ada bakat, gw pasti ga bakal disuruh kerja kayak cewek kantoran biasa (walau kerjanya di rumah sih)...Jujur aja, kalo disuruh milih antara duit dan hobi, gw lebih milih duit -_-' jadi ngegambar cuman bisa sampai sebatas hobi... hueeh.. *lagi2 random rambling >_<*
Comments 7
thanks!...yeah,I kinda figure out that I do have emo tendencies.hahaha...
thanks again,and really sorry I stole this from your page,I kinda like to hanging out a.k.a stalking there, if I want to read some good stuffs kuroganexfye fic...that were my favorite pairing too...
sometimes they just kinda little bit remind me with zosan from their appearance in the outside,but in the inside,their much more angsty and kinda dark...well,maybe it's only me whose think that why...sorry...
>.>; okay, that was random, but the point is that, being half emo is better that emo, at least logika masih jalan, unlike my over sensitive friend, we have planned with other friends to go to mall from like, a week before, and this little friend of mine just all of sudden wants to go to another place which is far away from this mall (of course we said that we can't, coz everyone was busy). The next day (D day), she cancelled it, saying that she was 'ill'. 'Ill' my ass, >_> ... Ah, sorry for my random rambling btw x.X
LOL, ah engga lah, jadi asisten-nya Oda (atau asisten komikus lainnya) itu tuntutannya tinggi. Karena gw tipe orang yang menggambar sesuai dengan mood, jadinya cuman bisa gambar amatir doang (untuk kesenangan) x__x; Ngomong2 soal bakat, pas tes IQ waktu aku masih SMA, bakatku ternyata di bidang musik (yang gak kusenengi) dan gak ada bakat di bidang grafis @__@;; dan kalau ada bakat, gw pasti ga bakal disuruh kerja kayak cewek kantoran biasa (walau kerjanya di rumah sih)...Jujur aja, kalo disuruh milih antara duit dan hobi, gw lebih milih duit -_-' jadi ngegambar cuman bisa sampai sebatas hobi... hueeh.. *lagi2 random rambling >_<*
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