I've put together a list of links to fan fiction lists and all the interesting sites and pages I could find with relation to "Maurice" and E. M. Forster. The lists I've found here was helpful, and I thought it couldn't hurt create yet another list for new visitors.
If anyone know of other sites/communities, I could add them to the list.
Fan fiction
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Comments 5
I think AO3 could become a great resource for small fandims like this, where fics are scattered and there aren't any central archives existing already. I've already created an account and put some of my work there.
Do you happen to have any invitation codes for AO3? I got an extra for DreamWidth.org if you're interested in a trade.
I don't have any invitation codes to AO3. I just signed up for an account yesterday, and got an invitation this morning - hadn't expected it that fast. I've just put in a request for an invitation for you though - I'll send it to you when I get it. But you could also just try to sign up for one.
I'd definitely like an invite for dreamwidth if you'd care to share :)
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