Here's a bunch of stuff that needs to go. I'd appreciate it if you'd like to give me some recompensation for any of the stuff you take. Maybe a couple of bucks. But if you are broke and just want to take it from me that's a-okay too because I just want it out of my house so don't be shy about speaking up for something. Looking at this list stuff is
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Comments 18
World War: in the balance Harry Turtledove Sci-Fi
Symbols Signs and Signets art / reference book
Introduction to life drawing
kodomo no ommocha folder
Escaflowne Cd box / case (holds about 10 gem cases)
Maision Ikkoku part 5 comic 3 rumiko takahashi
small hair dryer
Are you selling your car??? ^_~
The car is actually my dads, I just get to drive it! ^_^
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