Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society

Jun 03, 2008 12:02

Important article.

Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society

By Joachim Martillo

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Topics addressed:

* Taboo topic: references to the power of the "lobby", control of the media, control over influential political groups
* US: Influence of "neocons" on policy formation
* Ideology: foundation of neo-conservatism, neocon ideology
* US: politics/society: Israelization of the US and influence of pro-Israeli politicians or media on local society and politics
* Zionist tactics to suppress/silence/stifle criticism of Israel
* Taboo topic: the power of the Zionist lobbies
* Taboo topic: the Israeli lobby pushing for US wars against Iraq, Iran...
* Crypto-Zionist 'concern' for Africa; Darfur
* Israeli espionage
* Israeli recruitment of 'sayanyim' - supporters within foreign Jewish communities
* Israel: Espionage, criminal activities, drug trafficking, money laundering
* Zionism: Organizing efforts by Zionists in universities, unions, and political action groups to push the pro-Israel line
* Exploitation of the Holocaust; Political uses of the holocaust; Hollowcaust
* Anti-Semitism: political uses of anti-Semitism
* Zionist organizations stoking islamophobia; "islamofascism"
* US politics and society: Zionist groups funding travel for key civil society sectors to visit Israel; targetted indoctrination
* Zionist influence on mainstream US/Canadian civil rights groups
* Zionist Corporate chieftains
* Political junkets -- trips, by US public officials, to Israel, paid for by groups associated with pro-Israel lobbying groups

People/entities mentioned in this item:

* Susan J. Abulhawa
* Sheldon Adelson
* Rashid I. al-Khalidi
* Paul Anderson
* Louis Dembitz Brandeis
* Vincent Brook
* Noam Chomsky
* CanWest Global Communications
* Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
* Alan Dershowitz
* Nadia Abu El-Haj
* Rahm Emanuel
* Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (spelling error)
* Abraham H. Foxman
* Genocide Information Network
* Randa Ghazy (spelling error)
* Golan-Globus
* John Hagee
* Lawrence Harmon
* David A. Harris
* Abraham Joshua Heschel
* HonestReporting
* David Horowitz
* Israel Campus Coalition
* Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
* Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
* Tony Karon
* Joe Kaufman
* John Brady Kiesling
* Naomi Klein
* Joel Kovel
* Paul Kriwaczek
* Elizabeth Laird
* Laurel Leff
* Joseph A. Massad
* Melani McAlister
* John McCain
* John J. Mearsheimer
* Angela Merkel
* Ruth Messinger
* Rupert Murdoch
* Ron Paul
* Martin Peretz
* James Petras
* Daniel Pipes
* Jonathan Pollard
* Itamar Rabinovich
* Marc Rich
* Haim Saban
* Nicolas Sarkozy
* Reuven Shiloah
* Yuri Slezkine
* Robert Spencer
* Steven Spielberg
* StandWithUs
* Michael Stanislawski
* Lawrence Summers
* Ken Sweder
* The David Project
* Stephen M. Walt
* Washington Institute for Near East Policy
* Alison Weir
* Philip Weiss
* Gloria White-Hammond
* Elie Wiesel
* Orde Charles Wingate
* Ruth Roskies Wisse
* YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
* Bat-Ami Zucker
* Mortimer B. Zuckerman

Journals mentioned in this item:

* New Society
* Commentary
* Boston Globe

Full article: Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society

america, zionism, israel, israel lobby, foreign policy

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