September 28th, 2008
We Are Under Martial Law As Declared By The Speaker Last Night
September 28, 2008 C-SPAN
Congressman Burgess asks the Speaker of the House to post the bailout bill on the internet for at least 24 hours instead of passing the largest piece of legislation in US financial history in the “dark of night.”
The most frightening part of Rep. Burgess’ one-minute floor speech is when he says, “Mr. Speaker I understand we are under Martial Law as declared by the speaker last night.”
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Deal reached on financial markets bailout
Revised proposed legislation of $700bn bail out open for review and revision for 24 hrs max
Marcy Kaptur warns “there are domestic enemies to the Republic” Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) warns the American people about Constitutional enemies of the Republic and the fraudulent trillion(s) dollar bailout…
“My message to the American people don’t let Congress seal this deal. High financial crimes have been committed.”
“The normal legislative process has been shelved. Only a few insiders are doing the dealing, sounds like insider trading to me. These criminals have so much political power than can shut down the normal legislative process of the highest law making body of this land.”
Dictatorship of the Moneymen
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