Bailout scam - Big players freeze credit to gain from giveaway
Why JPMorgan Chase Co. Ends Up With All The Goodies
The Rothschild File
Paulson, Bush and the Grifters - The Manufacturing of a CrisisHalf a Trillion Bailout For The Creators of the Market Crisis The Economic Meltdown Continues 09.24.08 -- 5:56PM //
It seems that today during the time Barack Obama was waiting to hear back from Sen. McCain about their planned joint statement -- and while McCain says he was meeting with key advisors and becoming increasingly concerned about the financial crisis facing the country -- he was actually
holding a special meeting with
Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the expat international financier who once supported Hillary Clinton but now is supporting McCain because she thinks Obama is "elitist".
--Josh Marshall
McCain did meet with his key 'advisor' and discused what the crisis makers, er, Rothschilds' want out of the looting, er, 'bail out.'