Paulson Calls In Buffet

Sep 24, 2008 10:48

"Someone needs to question that Sunday conversation. Someone needs to question this Sunday's move to bring Goldman under the Fed's wings as a commercial bank. Someone needs to question the very deal struck with Buffet. But no one will."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Very sad times. Remember the Maria Bartiromo interview with Buffet, when he slipped and said Paulson called him on the big Sunday a couple of weeks ago? Many people wondered why Paulson would call a private citizen to discuss Fed matters? Obviously, we now know.

Sham Deal - Buffet gets special stock with a 10% dividend and he gets the right to by another $5B at $115, when the stock was trading at $125 and the deal makers knew it would spike on this kind of news. So why didn't Goldman set a higher price on the stock? Buffet would have never done the deal. He probably cut this deal with Paulson himself when they spoke on that funky Sunday.

Conspiracy? - We have never witnessed anything like this, with rule changes and special deals and the biggest thief in the world, running the financial world. The Buffet deal could only have been done if Goldman had a new business model . . . because the old business model was busted. Voila, they have a new business model as of Sunday night courtesy of King Henry . . . and less than 48 hours later, Buffet come in with $5B.


economy, goldman, buffett, paulson

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