
Oct 21, 2012 18:18


here's a list of five books everyone in the world should own right now:

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mozarts_piano October 22 2012, 23:30:14 UTC
wasn't it so good though? i can't believe it took me so long to read it, it's been on the list for a long time.

oh my goodness, i haven't heard of any of these D: i will definitely check them out though, sounds good. recently i've been reading a lot of none fiction: stephen fry, lester bangs (his essays), ishrad manji.. i've been needing some new, good fiction in my life.



nature_aly October 22 2012, 00:36:47 UTC
I need to add all of these to my to read list. I'm assuming you've read Will Graysom, Will Grayson right? Since its by both David Levithan and John Green, it's like two great tastes that taste great together.


mozarts_piano October 22 2012, 23:31:08 UTC
you definitely do :D and yes, yes - actually the first book i ever read by mr. green! very excellent together - they should write another soon.


nature_aly October 23 2012, 12:46:17 UTC
I just finished a ya book for school (getting my master's in library science) called Bluefish that references The Book Thief a lot because one character is reading it and another character is learning how to read. It was really good, I highly recommend it.


mozarts_piano October 23 2012, 20:41:08 UTC
that sounds awesome, i'll definitely check it out! :D


17black October 23 2012, 02:58:15 UTC
I've actually not read any of these but I would SUPER LOVE TO! I need a break from heavy things though. D: Like I think there's a limit of feels I can feel before I crack and devour the latest Sophie Kinsella in one sitting because it's exhausting otherwise. :( What would you say is the lightest of all of these?


mozarts_piano October 23 2012, 20:40:32 UTC
i know how you feel, with the heaviness - toooo much sometimes!

um, i'd have to go with please kill me. it's non-fiction but not very sad, more just really interesting and it made me want to build a time machine and become a groupie for the stooges, haha! that or a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, which starts with a but tragicy bits, but there's enough humour to balance it all out :D


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mozarts_piano October 24 2012, 21:31:59 UTC
fic recs are great, but there's just something about having a book in your hands, isn't there? :D and yes, yes realm of possibility is incredible. a story, essentially, told from 20 different perspectives. lovely.

(he also wrote (well, many but in specific) a book called boy meets boy, which is fantastic. they're both quite quick reads as well)

it was my first proper adult book as well! (unless catcher counts, which i don't think it does) it's interesting because the first time i read it i was properly in love with joe, and then the second time sammy just stole my heart. brilliant.

wow this sounds very very interesting! i am most definitely a theatre geek, excited to find it :D


miskowzen October 24 2012, 14:52:17 UTC
You are so sophisticated I AM DONE WITH YOU


mozarts_piano October 24 2012, 21:32:26 UTC
me being a snob should not end A MARRIAGE


miskowzen October 25 2012, 07:54:38 UTC
but you blind me with your perfection I CAN'T SEE THE POINT OF OUR CIVIL PARTNERSHIP ANYMORE



mozarts_piano October 27 2012, 18:40:56 UTC



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