
Nov 12, 2006 00:20

Happy Rememberance Day! I made sure to wear my poppy on my jacket collar when I went out today. I hope everyone did a little something to show support for our veterans of the First and Second World Wars. My grandfather, who is still alive and as healthy as he can be at age 83, was in WWII and I'm just so proud of him. Today is the day to honour ( Read more... )

rememberance day, shoshana bean, meghan hilty, wicked, the wizard of oz, review

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Comments 9

themurcurytree November 12 2006, 05:46:04 UTC
i've never seen wicked and probably never will because i'm not really into musicals like that. plus some people who used to be on my f-list talked about it so much i lost interest. oh well


mozartfan1313 November 12 2006, 17:29:41 UTC
Yeah, I remember you saying that you aren't into musicals. I really love going to the theatre, though, and I love seeing all the plays that the rest of the world pretty much seems to love.

I enjoyed "Wicked", but I don't get why some people get so hyped about it. I mean, it's good but it's not the best thing I've seen in my life, you know? So I don't blame you for losing interest in it. I almost didn't watch it myself because of all the hype.


wildglitterwolf November 12 2006, 18:39:46 UTC
My sister just got the soundtrack to this yesterday. 'Defying Gravity' is by far my favorite song. We might be seeing it when it comes down here in Feb. if we can get tickets.


gossfather November 12 2006, 18:54:02 UTC
I've seen very few people wearing poppies this year, really saddens me. I also, wear a poppy to honour my Grandfather, who fought in World War 2, he passed away in 2002 and was the greatest man i've ever known.

Hope you're feeling better!


mozartfan1313 November 14 2006, 04:17:42 UTC
I am feeling better. Still a little sore but every day gets better.

I know what you mean about the poppies. It's such a shame. Younger generations have no appreciation for those who fought in both World Wars.


amelialourdes November 13 2006, 07:56:33 UTC
I'm just glad that you felt well enough to go to the theatre! Then again, if I had tickets to Wicked and I was bleeding and broken -- I'd probably go too. The things we do, right? Haha ( ... )


mozartfan1313 November 14 2006, 04:23:26 UTC
Yeah, for the most part I felt alright. My back was a bit sore afterwards but I'm getting better every day ( ... )


lea724 November 14 2006, 16:41:02 UTC
Yay for seeing Wicked!

I remember when I saw it, I hadn't read the book (and when I tried to read it after seeing the show, I couldn't get into it) and I wasn't all that impressed with the show until Defying Gravity, which literally gave me chills as she rose above the stage. Omg, that was awesome. The second act was better.

But after I saw it and started listening to the soundtrack, I found that I liked a lot more of the songs on multiple listenings than I had at the show.


mozartfan1313 November 15 2006, 04:06:16 UTC
Yeah, I remember you saying that you didn't love it too much on your original viewing. I enjoyed it, it just wasn't as fantastic as some people say that it is. I really loved "Defying Gravity" and I agree that the second half was a lot better. I found some parts too slow.


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