Brad Pitt

Sep 21, 2007 00:10

I can't wait to see The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. It's been getting really great reviews from preview screenings. It comes out today/tomorrow and I really hope that I get to see it at some point this weekend. If you haven't already, please watch the trailer. The movie looks like a piece of art and there has been some ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

ex_asthecrow915 September 21 2007, 05:01:26 UTC
Oh man, Brad's episode of Friends is one of my all-time favorites (that and TOW Chandler in a Box). He was so funny! This post makes me realize how few Brad Pitt films I've seen. I need to see Legends of the Fall, Se7en, and A River Runs Through It.


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 02:53:51 UTC
I know, I love the Brad Pitt episode. I love the part where he say's the guy from Thailand's name. It always makes me laugh the way he pronounces it. I was disappointed it wasn't included in the clip that I used. Which episode is the one with Chandler in a Box? Why can't I remember that? And I thought I was a Friends expert! :(

You really need to see those three films you listed. ASAP.


ex_asthecrow915 September 22 2007, 03:02:04 UTC
Chandler in a Box was the season four Thanksgiving episode. I think Chandler had kissed one of Joey's girlfriends and agreed to spend Thanksgiving in a box. It's so great (like most of the episodes). :P


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 03:03:48 UTC
OF COURSE! How could I have forgotten! lol. I love that episode too.


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mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 02:55:30 UTC
I love the Gary Oldman episodes of Friends. I think he may have been my favourite guest star. Brad Pitt could do really well in a comedy film. I'd love to see him try it sometime.

I haven't heard much about State of Play. But any reunion with Ed Norton is a good thing!


light_inaugust September 21 2007, 12:10:59 UTC
A River Runs Through It is SO lovely. I love the final lines "All things merge into one, and a River Runs Through It. The River was cut by the worlds great flood, and runs over rocks from the basement of time". Beautiful, so beautiful. For one of his first roles, I really loved Brad as the tortured younger brother.

I'm going to see Jesse James this weekend :-) It's playing at Varsity, but of course, it's not playing in Whitby yet. So I'll have to venture downtown, lol


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 02:56:58 UTC
Yeah, I was disappointed that it was only showing downtown so I'll have to save it for next weekend. I saw Eastern Promises instead. Let me know what you thought of Jesse James!


evie September 21 2007, 13:21:24 UTC
Legends of the Fall.... 'Tristan!!! Tristan!!! Samuel!!!' It's my favorite quote/scene. It's true, I have no heart.:p I have watched this movie way too many times...I wonder why... There's something about it. I admit, I'm not a fan of Brad Pitt, so, to me, the best thing is Aidan Quinn. ♥ ;)
Se7en I watched for Morgan Freeman.
Fight Club. Great!! Tyler Durden is my favorite role for Brad Pitt. Only, I found the end a little disappointing...
A River Runs Through It...I love this movie!! Especially the beginning.


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 02:58:55 UTC
I don't know what it is about Legends of the Fall either. As I said, it's not the world's greatest film but something about it always pulls me in.

I loved the ending of Fight Club. What did you find so disappointing about it?


evie September 22 2007, 12:52:01 UTC
What did you find so disappointing about it?
I seem to have problems with the psychological explanation... It would have been more fun, to me, if I hadn't known that (although, of course, there are hints throughout the whole movie). I remember I felt the same way about "Identity".


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 19:30:09 UTC
So, you would have preferred an ending a little more ambiguous?


trojanfacelives September 21 2007, 17:05:20 UTC
Oh Brad.

I own LEGENDS OF THE FALL on dvd, and Tristan Ludlow is one of my favorite characters portrayed by Mr. Pitt. It gets me everytime too....Whenever I feel like I need to CRY I pop it in the DVD player....and even on the days where I have no tears to shed, I always end up tearing up at the very very end...because you can't help but take in ALL that has occured like a flashback.

A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT was probably my first Brad Pitt experience as well. I don't know how old I was, but I was young. You chose a great scene....Wasn't that directed by Robert Redford? I love Robert ways, he and Brad remind me of one another. Another scene that I loved from this movie, was the scene where he's dancing with that beautiful native american woman. Oh *sigh*


mozartfan1313 September 22 2007, 03:00:46 UTC
I have the DVD of Legends of the Fall as well. I was so happy when the special edition came out. I was worried it would always be a shitty version.

Yes, A River Runs Through It was directed by Robert Redford. He does the narration in the film as well. He and Brad certainly do have similar looks and attitudes. I love the scene where he's dancing with the Native American woman. Really sexy scene.


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