More Joy Day

Jan 09, 2014 15:20

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Comments 6

slb44 January 10 2014, 00:37:05 UTC


movies_michelle January 10 2014, 04:14:51 UTC

Oh, House.

The show in general: I love complex relationships that can't be summed up in a couple of lines. The relationship between House and Wilson is, of course, the backbone of it all to me, and they do not have a simple relationship. I love that the show set the tone for everything with Wilson's discussion with the PotW about whether or not House cares about Wilson, and how it's not about what people say, it's what they do, and Wilson immediately saying, "He cares about me." No matter what else, that can't be denied.

Which is really what I loved about House, the character. Even when I wanted to beat him over the head with something--or wanted to beat other characters over the head with something for letting him get away with shit--it was about what he did to show he did, in fact, care.


carbonel January 10 2014, 04:39:28 UTC
Raymond Doyle.


movies_michelle January 10 2014, 22:46:32 UTC

I could cheat and say the thing I loved most about Doyle was Doyle's Cameraman, but I'll mention some other things. :-)

I always wondered at the people writing Pros and talking about his ethereal beauty, because one of the things I always liked about him was he looked to me. Yes, there's those eyes (though more 'pond scum' than 'glistening emeralds,' IMHO), but really, he's battered, he's rough, and he's got the personality to match, and I like that about him.

I also liked his personal loyalty, his bitchiness, his laugh like a clogged drain, his a-tti-tude, and his non-aversion to getting violent when need be. (Yeah, I think I've had a type for a long time. *g*)

Also, his jeans.


mousewings January 12 2014, 05:47:43 UTC
Sleepy Hollow!


movies_michelle January 15 2014, 19:11:43 UTC

Sleepy Hollow: My favorite new crack on television!

My absolute favorite part is the Captain, and how they've played out his character and involvement with the show. They could have easily gone the "let's give Dr. Bellows a nervous breakdown!" route and tried to "hide" what was really going on with him. Instead, they had him selectively not listening before grudgingly becoming involved. And Orlando Jones kicks some serious ass, both on the show and online.

My second favorite thing (very close second), is the relationships between the characters, especially Abbie and Ichabod. They're complex, and they're funny, and I just love how they're evolving over time.


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