Jack/Ianto - Only Human

Jul 09, 2012 17:15

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Title: Jack/Ianto - Only Human
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Janto
Spoilers: Seasons 1, 2 and Children of Earth
Note: Haven't vidded in forever but managed to make this in between power outages (yes they are still going on sadly). Hope you enjoy!

fandom: torchwood, pairing: janto, vids

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Comments 10

cocoplumb July 9 2012, 21:46:38 UTC
You did not use this song? Damn you!!! The title makes me cry let alone the vid, that I want to watch so bad! *headdeskheaddesk!*


moviegeek03 July 9 2012, 21:50:53 UTC
Aww sorry hun! And I know! This song is one of my all time favorites but can make me a blubbering mess!


completelyurban July 10 2012, 03:29:26 UTC
Children of Earth was so heart shatteringly sad. So many adorable scenes just ripped away from us!

This vid is fantastic. It was beautifully done and encompasses all the love they had, even though we only got glimpses during the series. Oh the things they could have done with these two!

No more naked hide and seek. *sniffles*


moviegeek03 July 10 2012, 13:45:08 UTC
There really was so much they could have done with these boys had they not killed Ianto :(. I mean, his death scene was so amazing (even if it did break my heart) but I really wished that he would have been brought back somehow. I mean, half the other people who died were brought back :\.

Thank you sweetie! I'm hoping to vid more with these boys and maybe even write some. I just have no idea what yet...am open to prompts. Will definitely be fun and challenging to do Jack's cockiness and Ianto's snark/wit lol


dont_hate_me01 July 10 2012, 15:33:36 UTC
Great vid! :-)


moviegeek03 July 10 2012, 20:58:44 UTC
Thank you sweetie! Working on your present next ;)


dopeyangel101 July 10 2012, 20:43:22 UTC


I think my OVARIES just EXPLODED.


I can has hug now plz?


moviegeek03 July 10 2012, 20:58:18 UTC
Aww thank you sweetie! I laughed /giggled during parts of this when I was making it and then I was sobbing by the end with that damn death scene :(. So yes, you can definitely have hugs now!

PS: If you have any Janto prompts...send them my way! I'm dying to attempt to write them but clueless as to what :\


sammy_pady July 12 2012, 01:31:35 UTC
you're thinking of writing jack Ianto? if so, know that I'll love you forever. I have not read many fics have dinner, because most were bottom jack, and I can not see Jack as a guy submissive, for me it's all alpha male. anyway, it would be fantastic to read something written by two of you. jensen / jared Jack / Ianto derek / stiles, three pairs are my favorite reading. when I saw the episode Ianto's death, I made ​​baby cried, and then I stopped to see the show and I only read the fics. sorry for long comment. hugs


moviegeek03 July 12 2012, 02:00:11 UTC
I am wanting to write Jack/Ianto ;). I just need to think of stories lol. I have a few ideas...one is a bit of a CoE fix it inspired by the audio play House of the Dead and another is inspired by the stuff we know about Ianto's childhood. other than that, not sure. Am open to ideas though :).


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