This challenge is not solely for sci-fi shows. It could be from any tv show.
Eg: In a certain episode of Lost, Sawyer saw an UFO while fishing. An icon of that scene can be made. *Note: I totally made that scene up.
Look under the cut for more details.
Also, this was suggested by
jessicaim Guidelines
- Maximum of 4 icons per person.
- You must be a member to enter.
- You can use any cap from any tv show.
- Blending, Text and effects are permitted.
- Keep your entries anonymous until the winners are posted.
- Submit your icon(s) to this post with the image and url. All comments will be screened.
- Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
- Deadline is Saturday, November 28th 10pm EST
Entries so far: 00
Your icon has to feature a colour. Meaning, at least 70% of your icon has to be of the featured colour.
Check out
this post @
disney_hush for ideas/inspirations!
Some examples by various makers from that post: