Cutting it Close to the Deadline since 1996!

Aug 08, 2011 22:41

Title: Structure and Emotion in metonomia 's "All the Intrigue in My Mind"
Author: lizzie_marie_23 
Summary/Abstract/Thesis Statement: In this story, metonomia draws very clear lines between Ianto’s need for efficiency and his genuine affection for his team in order to reveal the source of his confusion
Recipient and links to original fic: metonomia All the Intrigue in My Mind
1350 ( Read more... )

academic ficathon

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Comments 3

metonomia August 9 2011, 06:05:52 UTC

omg i will come back with actual thoughts tomorrow after work, because i need to sleep now, but this is amazing and you are wonderful and thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu


animus_wyrmis August 10 2011, 00:24:20 UTC
Oh man, I totally read this fic super fast and didn't think about it (SORRY METO), but I really like the way you've dug into it here! I especially like the way you explore the importance of the parentheticals by looking at what the fic would be like without them.

His clear lines between what he does and does not mean are torn down and redefined within the parentheses because there is precedent in the form of Lisa.


lizzie_marie_23 August 10 2011, 03:59:25 UTC
Thank you for your kind comment (and for coming up with this exchange). I was going to explore how all three of the fics I mentioned show development in the theme, but I couldn't get the parentheses out of my head so I decided to focus on those.


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