Hey i hated field day this year. It Sucked!!!! I am so board and i am tring to find a way to island park. What else should i tell u about? i am going to get off now.bye!
I am so hyper. can u answer it. Are u ever leaving here? because i can't stand the thought of seeing u go.well i am not hyper n-e more. My sister is movein out today. well bye
ain't it sad to think u can go to sleep and never wake up?well i hope i always wake . i know that i have said that i was going to kill myself but i won't because i scared to die. i just want to be able to know that u want die
what is wronge with u ppl. i am confused. i want to make good grades but i can't. i hate that i have a bad choice in friends or so u say but they r who i like.
Hey i have t go play a game in Norton. I have to get my braces tus and it sounds painful. i hate school! I am tired of ppl saying that i am a lezbo but i guess they are just mad at me.well I think i am geeting sick and i don't want to play but i have to so bye.
Hey this is the second thime i have worte today.I just want to talk to Jessica.I am tired of this one person saying that i like tim cause if i did i would not tell her.I feel like i can't turst n-e one.I am sick of this life I just want to scream.I want to go away.
the more i think about it the more i realize i just want one person to care about me.How can u not let the stuff ppl say get to u like when someone says that u are sleeping with ur best friend?(if its a guy
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