Title: (All You Do Is) Up and Go [Shindou/Touya]
Rating/Warnings: PG for the dent in the fifth stall.
Summary: Shindou always comes back.
AN: For Go-Go day! I'm really not sure why I can't write HnG that isn't sad lately.
marksykins must be using that half of the brain.
(All You Do Is) Up and Go [Shindou/Touya, PG] )
Comments 19
"I know." Touya presses his palm over Shindou's heartbeat until its skittering slows. "That's why I just hide in here. Besides, this is where the good goban is."
Aieeeeeeee!~ *wibbles*
Thank you for this.
Sad Hikago is still Hikago!! ::luffs on::
God, this is so lovely and angsty and heart wrentching. I love how the series leaves that bizzare ability to switch from happy go lucky to sobbing at the drop of a stone. Hikaru's tendency to do that must be hard for Akira, whose generally go emotionally stable (except when it comes to Hikaru of course ;p).
Okay, I'm going to shut up and go reread this now.
This still hits. <3
I love Akira taking care of Hikaru like this. He's so caring and gentle when Hikaru needs it.
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