Kneedeep Trailer Park Challenge, 1.1

Sep 02, 2013 20:21

Long time no see!
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trailer park challenge

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Comments 19

iliveforsleep September 2 2013, 20:35:46 UTC
Happy to have you back posting, I've been wondering what you were up to.

Twins for your first round of pregnancies in a trail park challenge, this should be interesting. I found the challenge itself interesting, twins just makes it even more interesting. Looking forward to seeing more from this challenge.


mountainshade1 September 2 2013, 21:02:41 UTC
Oh I've been up to all sorts, getting my degree, getting a job, losing my job.
... )


blueberrypie360 September 2 2013, 20:39:19 UTC
First of all, I just wanna say, "SHADEY!!!!" *hug*

It's been so long. I hope things are going well for you.

This was a very entertaining read and I look forward to more. :)


mountainshade1 September 2 2013, 21:09:33 UTC
Aww thank you Blue *hugs* to you too.
... )


blueberrypie360 September 2 2013, 23:13:28 UTC
You've certainly busy. Sucks about losing the one job, but perhaps things will be brighter on the horizon. And you know you have friends here who are ready and willing to read whatever you manage to post up. :)


mountainshade1 September 3 2013, 07:53:33 UTC
Thanks, yeah I try to look at the bright side and make the best of it - which means simming!
... )


amylu1988 September 2 2013, 21:15:34 UTC
Shadey!! :D So nice to see you again! *hugs*

This was such fun to read, Alcina is a nice name, I love how she looks. Peter seems a good choice for husband, good luck with the twins though!

The community lot visits looked like fun, good timing missing Crumplebottom there! :)

Can't wait to see more, and so happy to see you back online. :)


mountainshade1 September 2 2013, 21:48:17 UTC
Hey Amylu
... )


joandsarah September 3 2013, 07:47:23 UTC
Shadey! So lovely to see you! *hugs*

I never trust romance sims heart farts, I think they will do it to anyone with a pulse at times. I think Ben is knowledge.

You need Christianlov's 'Gussy Up' with that you can click on any sim and give them a full makeover any place.

Oh no not her bed. I've adopted Sheba in before, she is a nice little dog.

Oh Shadey, not Peter Sims! Oh dear, not only 1 dollar but terrible genes. I married him into an ISBI challenge I played and what ugly kids they had lol. Still he was decent enough as a husband.

Such fun reading an update from you again. :D


mountainshade1 September 3 2013, 08:05:27 UTC
... )


penguingirl03 September 3 2013, 12:58:49 UTC
Shadey! We have missed you! Glad you are back. *HUGS*

Awww...too bad Alcina didn't like Ben Long. He's awesome and super fun to play. I recommend marrying him in when you can!

Bummer about the $1 move in. Don't you get bonus points for that though? I'd have to check Fuzzy's score page.

And two babies on the way already! Should be fun!

Looking forward to seeing what happens next!


mountainshade1 September 3 2013, 18:34:44 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad to be back.
... )


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