Matching From The Inside

Aug 02, 2010 21:33

Title: Matching From The Inside
Pairings: Yunjae
Rating: PG-13
Length: Oneshot
Genre: fluff, humour?
Author: motubunu7
Summary: No summary. I just couldn't think of any. Just read on ^_^  v

Matching From The Inside )

fic: matching from the inside, pairing: yunjae, length: oneshot, genre: fluff, genre: humour, rating: pg-13

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Comments 46

motubunu7 August 2 2010, 15:51:47 UTC
SPOT for lordjunsu and wintercandles7 !!!


lordjunsu August 2 2010, 16:06:37 UTC
motubunu7 August 4 2010, 11:23:07 UTC
thnx bhai!lol.ani tailey ta thik thak english lai ni pura wrong type garechas.saaley,ta mero beta hoina?jhan wrong gardey ra tension.lala.j hos padheko ra comment gareko ma thnx!lol


wintercandles19 August 3 2010, 02:12:24 UTC
god! this is effing cute hunbb!!
matching boxers!...can jae get any cuter? lol
'we would be matching from the inside' and 'you squeaky hybrid of a duck and dolphin' loved those two lines like hell
thanks for writing such a cute fic hunbb!! more fluff the better! XDD


yukiboo August 2 2010, 16:05:53 UTC
LOL funny haha I like this xD Thanks for sharing! My fave line is "you squeaky hybrid of a duck and dolphin" lols epic xp


Matching From The Inside motubunu7 August 3 2010, 11:55:13 UTC
lol.i wanted something to be funny in here.n i couldn't think abt anything else when the line came out of nowhere.lolz.i cracked up at for reading n commenting,dear!


mmilk33 August 2 2010, 16:39:56 UTC

Hay beib,,,how r uuuu??
I'm stuck w alotta test n tasks here...can't update for sometimes...
*alotta cases aswell*

Its cuuuuuteeee!!!
I lke this knda cute story...
Yunnie dun have any chance against Jae
Its really cute...


motubunu7 August 4 2010, 11:32:27 UTC
hey bb,
howz life?lol.m sick T.T n m so sorry commenting late.aww,u poor bb!take your time.i'll wait for u.n do ur best in all the tasks n tests.all the best.but plz take care of urself too!lol.yup,yunnie stands no chance in front of
thnx for reading n commenting bb!lob u n tc!


mmilk33 August 4 2010, 12:02:54 UTC
No biggie!!!

U sck??
Awwww...hope u'll get well really soon ^^
Dun 4get 2take a good care of urself...^^
Take medicine,eat well,rest well...
Get well soon,hun...


motubunu7 August 7 2010, 08:32:50 UTC
yup.but now m fine.thank u so much for your concern bb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lolololololololol


rethzneworld August 2 2010, 18:25:52 UTC
hahaha yunho always have a weak spot for his love ne..


motubunu7 August 4 2010, 11:39:52 UTC
yup :p he is smitten by jae to the point where he is willing to wash away his for reading n commenting!


cubious August 2 2010, 19:36:06 UTC
damiii sathi


motubunu7 August 4 2010, 11:36:16 UTC
hahaha.thnx sathi!malai lekhnu aayena hai pahila ani jpt lekhideko padhi deko ra comment garideko ma!dhanyabaad! ^^


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