Another tutorial. x_x Someone, buy me a life! D:

Apr 26, 2007 16:59


Umm, just a little warning, I'm not sure if older programs have the Selective Colouring tool, if not. . . gomen! ;-; This tutorial involves that tool. Though, the colour settings I used were to match my icon. . . so maybe something can happen and you can skip it! Also, if you plan on using this tutorial, you may not want to use all the blue textures/gradients I used if the image is mainly red. I used the textures/gradients that can help the icon. So, I advice using images with blue.

First off, choose the base. I'm using this:

I thought the icon would look better rotated, so I rotated the icon 90 degrees clockwise. You don't have to do the rotation, I just did it cause it looked a lot better.

After that, duplicate the base two times, set them both to Screen. One of them on 100%, the other at 50%.

Should look somewhat like this now:

After that, you can skip this part if you don't have the selective colouring option.

**remember: I used the Selective Colouring option to help with the colouring in my icon. It may make your icon funky looking.
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +32
Black: -100

Cyan: +100
Magenta: +30
Yellow: +100
Black: +100

Cyan: +97
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +70
Black: -14

Cyan: 0
Magenta: 0
Yellow: 0
Black: +22

Like this now:

Now, I wanted Rukia to be shown twice. I used the Marquee took around the middle of both her eyes and nose: Here's something that may explain things a little bit more.

Then copy merge it. Then paste it. Use that arrow move key to move it to the left. . . or right. Depending what angle your image is in.

Then I used the Single Column Marquee tool to make a stroke to seperate both images.

Like so:

Then I used this (made by Akito???). I set it to Screen, 100%. I thought it made the icon to covered up, so I lowered it about 10-15 pixals.

Looks like this:


I used the font 'Caribbean' at pt saying "How Things End". I put it on #000000, and I went to stroke layer and had a 2 pixal stroke on white.

Like this, nya~:

Ready to do something cool to the text? Take this texture by me and duplicate it twice. Set them both to Screen, 100%. Looky! The text is multi-coloured! Then add this gradient ( by Kari ) and set it to Overlay, 100%.

Now, I added a tiny text brush using a color on Rukia's clothing, and a white one pixal border using the stroke option.

Wow! You all survived this tutorial of d00m! Thank you for taking your time reading and trying it!
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