Another long awaited update...

Jun 09, 2007 13:24

So hello to all my dear loved peoples, with a special shout out to all those poor souls that are in the middle of exams, you have my sympathy ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

skep June 9 2007, 06:53:32 UTC
Will you kill me if I agree with the retired mushroom thing? :D

You look like you're having tremendous amounts of fun as usual! I am in the process of writing you a letter that details all the exciting things I have been doing... actually this is a lie. As if that wasn't obvious, heh. I started a letter to you like, right after I got the one you sent me, but I was too busy to update it and now it looks like I've been asleep for three weeks. I promise I will write more and actually send it once I have a free moment. Being anytime after 12.15pm next Friday. W00t!

What else... Oh, I have not seen Pirates yet! Wahhh. Soon. I suspect that awful things happen so I'm kind of putting it off. :S

It's the rainy season here too.



motorcarly June 11 2007, 06:10:07 UTC
Well considering it would be very difficult for me to kill you from here, I don`t think so. And it kind of does so it`s all good.

Oh I am. FUNFUNFUN! YAY! I love letters! And exclamation marks!!!! How are the exams and that kind of poo going? You should have a party at 12:16 on Friday.

Oh, you must see it. I ... can`t say anything. Just see it so I can talk to you about it.

Rain is awesome. I sing and dance a lot in the rain here. I figure if people are going to stare at me I may as well give them something to stare at. :D


skep June 11 2007, 07:51:27 UTC
Oh, I don't know. Some weird, sekritly developed toxin that's in the ink of your pen and slowly, evilly releases itself into my bloodstream through my fingertips as my hands grip the pages while I'm reading? Um. That wasn't supposed to sound quite so sinister. And no, I've not thought about death-via-post before...

:D so much fun! Letters are tops. Exams... Ugh. Please to be referring to my icon? First exam is TOMORROW and omg, so dead. I know a lot of ridiculous terminology but not one jot of it actually makes any sense. I am totally having a big party. Well, maybe. It'll probably be just me, a bottle of wine, and the train home. Hahah.

sOON! Ooh caps lock. I will see it ASAP and then email you.

Rain has passed here... woe. I am glad to hear about the singing and dancing - it would be wrong not to. :D


motorcarly June 12 2007, 02:20:57 UTC
Would I do that to you? So incredibly frightened right now!

Tops? That expression wins. As we all know, the key to doing well in exams is to write as though you know what you`re talking about. It`s surprising how much you can get away with if you do. Although there is a fine line between writing like you know what you`re talking about and sounding like an arrogant arse. PARTY! *points to icon* I have been spreading the Black Books love over here.:DD

Yes! And I will try to steal wireless and email you back!

It`s stopped here too, which is strange. Now it`s just ridiculously humid. Argh, sweaty. Ew.


kjd_pferd June 9 2007, 08:30:31 UTC
Good to see you finally updated, I was missing not knowing what was going on! (mind you, I can't exactly talk, i only update for the first time in aaaages the other day...)

Sounds like you are having a super fun time, being all touristy and all. Jealousness!

*dies because of tremendous amounts of study.*

So what would you like to know about Electrochemistry, Mass Spectrometry, or Environmental Chemistry? Ask me anything.


motorcarly June 11 2007, 06:26:50 UTC
There`s just so much to update with and then I put it off. Naughty, I know. We are busy people, it`s not our fault.

It was wonderful! And It`s been a while since I did the tourist thing here so it was great.

Oh, exams nearly over for you?

Yes, I would like to know the most random and useless fact you can tell me. :D


kjd_pferd June 11 2007, 07:33:14 UTC
Well at least you have plenty of fun an exciting stuff to say, unlike yours truly who leads a relatively boring life.

Being touristy in a place like Japan where you would stick out like a sore thumb would be most amusing, one would think.

Nope, exams start tomorrow (being Tuesday), and I have my other one on Thursday. argh!

Ok, here's something about Standard Electrodes - Electrodes of the first kind are those which responde directly to the analyte ion, whilst electrodes of the Second Kind respond to precipitates or complexes formed from the analyte ions. And I know that is definitely going to be an exam question, Marc pretty much told us that. At least then for his secion we are sure of it and know exactly what to study, unlike some lecturers I could name *coughDavidGriffithcough*


motorcarly June 12 2007, 02:26:24 UTC
That is true, but I have twenty years of boringness to make up for.

Yes, it is quite amusing. Mainly because of all the double takes.

...I like the Wizard of Oz. Electrodes are sparky. SPARK!


tunnel_king June 9 2007, 14:45:26 UTC
Well it is good to see that you are having fun, even if you are not getting any more sleep. I have also been meaning to and see pirates but I have not yet gotten around to it as I have been to busy studying, or at least procrastinating.

My brain has half melted from exams and study but I will try and get that letter sent this week (but no promises).


motorcarly June 11 2007, 06:34:16 UTC
I am always having fun. ALWAYS! You should probably study. It is fairly important. Not quite as important as seeing Pirates, but still important.



anonymous June 10 2007, 14:59:46 UTC
YAY CARLYNESS!!!! Thankyou for the update. The trips looks really fun!
And you got to hang with トトロ! HEEEHEEE!!! The study trip looks great.
hmm i love the phrase "popular suicide place" Just imagining all these depressed people drinking lattés going... ooh.. how bout we head on over to that cliff place... i hear it's the place to go these days... mm yeah! totally!

hahaha.. i love funny dialogue in my head, it reassures me as to how weird i really am.
your pajama yukata are fun looking.. very green.
how does your hat make you look like a retired mushroom.... retired fisherman MAYBE...

mm can't wait to talk to you on msn. i have supabarn goss :D and i also hear some goss about YOU!! and some perhaps intended 旅行!


anonymous June 10 2007, 15:01:42 UTC
from context, and 話し方 as well as the use of Janglish you can see that this is indeed your brother, Dylan.


motorcarly June 11 2007, 06:43:21 UTC
Noted, dear 弟 :D


motorcarly June 11 2007, 06:42:42 UTC
ALLO! You are welcome! Yeah, I hung with トトロ! At the tourist trap.
Well the funny thing was, I was talking to my Japanese stalker friend the other day and she said the same thing about the suicide place. WEIRD!

You don`t need that dialogue, honey. :P
They were kind of yellowy, baby pooish. Not very nice, but fun.
Yes, I`m not sure either. I didn`t make it up.


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