Title: Stretch Words: 147 Characters: romantic Relena Disclaimer: no, really. Rating: G Warnings: n/a Notes: all_unwritten prompt 862: the distance between us
I love the suggestion of someone discovering what's been written about Relena and (presumably) Heero, and brings them together again in thought. Beautifully romantic! I love this, and I can see it being written again (by you) as an original piece about any diplomat and warrior separated by miles and occupations. So tender and sad!
Eh, it seems I have a penchant for tragedy. But now that you mention it, I haven't the faintest why this wasn't just written as an original. Must word-surgeon this some time.
Wah! :( I think it strikes me as even more sad because it's so short; we just get the moment of Relena's giving up, and that thought of the future pretend just highlights the real life impossibilities. It's amazing how much of a punch you can pack in so few words, mot!
...the annals will relate our story to at least one romantic soul that will bring us together in thought - the only way we can hope to conquer the insuperable gap between us.
Wow, that is so sad. I've recently got back into the spirit of Relena and Heero, 1xR, and all that, which is what I assume to be the subject. Granted, this could fit anyone and any pairing, which is all the better. It's in the classic spirit of GW, because I do believe that all romance in GW canon (if any), is all down to the things unsaid.
I'm hoping that Relena gets her happy ending. She deserves it, and so does the object of her affections, whoever that might be.
Your assumption is correct, though technically it could be about anyone.
(...) all romance in GW canon (if any), is all down to the things unsaid. I reckon that's very Japanese. Read somewhere that if a Japanese man verbalises his romantic feelings (e.g. "I love you") twice or more in one lifetime, that's a huge thing. Affection should be communicated in action, and such.
If Relena is to get what she wants, go ahead and give it to her. I'm evil and wallow in seeing her fester in her own feelings. (°w°)Ψ Seriously, though - thanks! Who knows, eh?
Comments 8
Eh, it seems I have a penchant for tragedy. But now that you mention it, I haven't the faintest why this wasn't just written as an original. Must word-surgeon this some time.
Wow, that is so sad. I've recently got back into the spirit of Relena and Heero, 1xR, and all that, which is what I assume to be the subject. Granted, this could fit anyone and any pairing, which is all the better. It's in the classic spirit of GW, because I do believe that all romance in GW canon (if any), is all down to the things unsaid.
I'm hoping that Relena gets her happy ending. She deserves it, and so does the object of her affections, whoever that might be.
Nice stuff, Mot!
(...) all romance in GW canon (if any), is all down to the things unsaid.
I reckon that's very Japanese. Read somewhere that if a Japanese man verbalises his romantic feelings (e.g. "I love you") twice or more in one lifetime, that's a huge thing. Affection should be communicated in action, and such.
If Relena is to get what she wants, go ahead and give it to her. I'm evil and wallow in seeing her fester in her own feelings. (°w°)Ψ Seriously, though - thanks! Who knows, eh?
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