Title: Informalities
acrostic argument (read down the bold letters).
Rating: G Warnings: Whimsy. Oh, and adultery.
Notes: Gravitation belongs to the Murakami woman, not the Motley one. But you know that. Also posted
ederyn. Don't tell Mika.
Of all the times you could have picked
Not to negate my simple wish-
I only meant for you to see
I am your friend and family,
So we don't need this formal tone.
Any moment before we kissed - but
Now we're lovers does not seem one
for (acrostic) .
Kind of you to notice, Seguchi.
Out of all your 'sweet advances'
I particularly frowned at this one,
But since you insisted on 'oniisan'
I decided to budge. Yes, now.
Take it. I'm not the giving kind.
Or would you now rather go
with (acrostic) ?