"what an amazing time, what a family, how did the years go by, now it's only me"

Jul 25, 2010 12:16

Title: You'll Never Die in This Town Again. Chapter 4.
Author: mothergoddamn
Pairing/characters: Harry/OMC Harry/Perry
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Do not own, so do not sue.
Summary: Harry is tired of Perry not trusting him on cases, so he sets out to prove his own worth. Naturally it goes very, very wrong.
Author Note: Massive thanks to rat_chan for all her help.

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

You'll Never Die in This Town Again-Chapter 4.

“Harry? I know you’re there,” Perry said, flatly, eyes never leaving the television.

“Shit. How do you do that?” Perry felt the couch back dip as Harry leaned his elbows on it and looked over his shoulder. “I was so stealthy.”

“Really? Nice aftershave. Must you marinate in it?”

“Fuck you, too!” Harry laughed good naturedly. “Still watching the security videos?”

“This? It’s Desperate Housewives. There’s been some budget cuts. Yes, I’m still watching them, you moron.” Perry sighed and turned to look at him. “What the hell are you wearing?”

“Er, a suit? What’s wrong with it?”

Perry scooted upward to see over the side. Jesus, Harry looked good. He looked fucking gorgeous in fact. He was wearing colours that actually fucking went together, for one. “Laundry day?”

“You’re on fire today! No, I’m off out.” Harry straightened up and rubbed at the back of his neck, looking a lot older and a lot more tired than Perry had seen since that Christmas two years ago.

He wanted to ask if he was alright, whether he wanted to talk about it. But Perry couldn’t force the words out. “Another one of Robert’s parties? He is certainly making the most of Daddy being away,” he sniped instead.

“It’s Richard. And, yeah, you know. It’s good way of getting to know his crowd. Possible ways in and that.” Harry smiled but it got lost on the way to his eyes, never reaching its destination.

“And playing pass the parcel with a bunch of twelve year olds is helping with that?”

“Don’t hate me because you ain’t me.” Harry made a swishing motion with his index finger and placed his other hand on his hip, his lips pursed.

“Christ. You’re infected!”

“I know. I fucking know! I was up half the night looking up most of their conversations on Google. I don’t know what the hell is going on most the fucking time." He laughed and played with imaginary fluff on his jacket. "But still, I think they’re beginning to trust me. Richard’s even made a Sim of me.”

“A what?” Perry asked, a mocking smile already beginning to curl at the side of his mouth.

“A Sim? It’s like a computer game thing where you make people and give them jobs and...” Harry laughed again and ran his hand through his hair. “Look, don’t look at me like that! I don’t fucking know, do I?”

“And Richard? Have you infilitrated him yet?” Perry said, turning back round to the screen.

“See? It’s catty comments like that, that don’t get you invited to parties. Don’t pretend you’re not dying to come!”

“I am. It’s tearing me apart. I heard Rupert has got the latest Harry Potter and I want his Dad to read it to us. Then we can go build a fort in the garden and tell each other ghost stories.”

“Jesus. Bitter much? Well, we can throw our own party! You invite your friends like...Harmony and Dabney and...”

“I’ve got more than two fucking...”

“And I’ll host...”

“You couldn’t host a parasite,” Perry muttered. “Hey, did you see something, then?” Picking up the remote Perry rewinded the DVD back as Harry walked round the couch and sat down beside him. Ignoring the heat of Harry’s thigh against his own, he pressed play.

Nothing had changed.

The factory floor still remained empty.

Perry frowned, straining his eyes as he stared. What the fuck had he seen? He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing in frustration. Christ, he’d been in this room with this fucking DVD for too long. He hadn't been this bored since he rented "The Girl with the Pearl Earring." Three weeks they’d been tracking this, they’d already missed one break in. Any longer without a breakthrough Silverman was no doubt going to drop the Perry and Harry from the case. Then again, maybe that would take away any reason for Harry to go see Richard quite so often?

“There!” Harry cried causing him to jump. “Did you see?” He moved from the couch to the floor, crawling on all fours to the screen. “Rewind it, again.”

Hope rising at the ridiculous look of excitement on Harry’s face Perry did as he asked, rewinding and releasing the grainy images into life once more. The same scene played. Again nothing.

“Harry, this is...”

“Do it again. And look closer! Look at this spot here.” Perry repeated the action, moving down beside Harry. “There! Did you see?”

“Fuck...” Perry said in a small voice. “The shadow? It moves.”

“A bit too fast for a second don’t you think? That’s a good three foot there. Yet the timer says only a second passed. Which means...”

“The tapes have been tampered with! Harry! You genius! Wait, that didn’t sound right.”

“I’ll take it." Harry said with a nod. "Who had access to the security? The night watchman?”

“It can’t be, this is their fourth and whoever this is wouldn’t risk that many men on the inside. Someone is getting to them from another source.” Perry patted the remote against his knee as he thought.

“That place is wired the fuck up. How are they getting in?”

“I don’t know, I think we need to set some sort of trap or something. What do you think?”

“Sorry?” Harry looked behind him and then back. "Me?"

“Yeah. Knowing who is handling these would narrow the field but Silverman's away another week. Great fucking help he has been. Hmm, so, what do you think? Stakeout wouldn’t work, there’s no pattern. What do you think we should do?”

“Hang on, back up. You are asking me my opinion? On a case? You?"

"You're rapidly making me regret it..."

"You need my help, the big detecti...oh, shit!" Harry looked at his watch and Perry wanted to rip it from his wrist and stomp on it. "I'm going to be late, how about we do a brainstorm when I get home?" Harry looked up at him, his face worried and hopeful.

"Well, I'll brain and you storm. Go on, then. Before you miss musical chairs. Say hello to Ronnie for me!" Perry froze as the name left his lips. Why that name? Of all names? Maybe it wasn't as buried in his mind as much as he hoped.

"It's Richard!" Harry called back. Luckily, Harry was too busy looking at himself in the hallway mirror to have noticed the colour drain from Perry's face. He looked unsure as he gave himself the once over, nervous in his fancy clothes. Perry felt his heart constrict in a strange sort of pity. This must be like when parents watched their kids go off to school for the first time. Except it's a straight boy wading into a twink fest. Maybe he should loan him his gun? "Okay, right. I'll see you later. Give me a call if you need me!"

I always need you. Perry started again as the words formed in his mind. He shook his head, clearing the thought. "Have fun. And remember! Back to the wall!"

"You are so homophobic!" Harry shouted back before going out the door with laugh.

With a sigh Perry clicked the remote and sent the screen into blackness. He needed a break, he needed a drink, he needed to get...

The doorbell rang and Perry rolled his eyes. Forgot his key, again. "I'm going to tie it round your damn neck!" he said as he swung open the door. “Harmony!” Perry grinned and stepped back. “And with chinese food?”

“Well, it’s a Friday night. Every Friday night we eat chinese and talk about boys.”

“Except where we never do that?”

“And where you just talk about Harry.” She walked in past him, her perfume mixing with the food in an oddly pleasant way. "I'll just go dish these out onto plates. You have wine? Where's Harry? I thought I saw his car as I turned the corner?"

Perry closed the door and followed her, stomach rumbling at the smell. God bless the woman! "Yeah, he's gone to another one of Richard's par-tays."

"Please never say party like that again, and really? He's really taking this undercover work seriously. Ahh, fantastic! Wine." She pushed a glass towards Perry and grinned. "To the brim. I fucking need it."

"Oh, who was he?" Perry asked as he poured.

"Producer. A fucking asshole! Totally, Perry. He had this, like, fucking wig on his head? It was so distracting! I just wanted to rip it off."

"So, you really liked him, huh?" Perry said softly. She didn't answer, just continued to unpack the food. "Harm?"

"I'm just so sick of this fucking game, you know?" she burst out. "I just want..." She turned to look at him, her head tilted in contemplation. "Why can't I find a guy like you? Except into vaginas?"

"I'm good on paper, Harm, but trust me. You deserve much better."

She ignored his shift in tone. "Yeah, well, I bet you're fucking great in bed." She scooped up some sweet and sour sauce and popped it in her mouth with a grin.

"Well. Obviously." Perry winked. "Now, how about we get absolutely wasted?"

Chapter 5


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