
Jun 10, 2006 18:27

*The evening wears on, until Guinevere, Owen, and Bran are left at her table near the door. Sometimes they talk quietly.

Guinevere is sober.*

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ulfin_kingsman June 12 2006, 23:00:14 UTC
And elsewhere in the bar, within sight of the door, is another man - older than his icon would suggest, in his early sixties, and far more battered.

He's thin, half-starved, and tired, and his feet have bled through what's left of his shoes. Still, though, when he sees the man in the doorway, he finds the strength to come to his feet, back straight and proud as he walks closer.

Until, that is, he draws close enough, and goes to one knee in a bow to his king.


most_generous June 12 2006, 23:03:14 UTC
The king bends his head, gravely accepting the bow, and smiles. Only then does he see how worn the other man is. "Ulfin? My loyal Ulfin?"


ulfin_kingsman June 12 2006, 23:04:11 UTC
"Always, my lord."

He smiles back, not without relief. The half-tame wildcat stalks up to sit at his side.


most_generous June 12 2006, 23:15:37 UTC
"Rise now, if you will." Arthur examines the man before him, noting his thinness, his pallor, the blood on his feet. It may now be noticeable that this Arthur is not quite as tall as the one Ulfin knew, and that he has blue, blue eyes. "What time do you come from, Ulfin?"


ulfin_kingsman June 12 2006, 23:16:03 UTC
And he does notice, as he rises... but if his lord is gone, this man is close enough.

"After the battle, my lord. After..."


most_generous June 12 2006, 23:16:42 UTC
"I know what happened." Arthur's voice has gone soft and sorrowful.

"It is long over, when I come from, but I know of it. I was there, at the battle, and I learned of what came after. The Saxons, the savages, the loss of all that we fought for. But in my world, and I think it may be different from yours, the Light rises again, at long last, and it triumphs, Ulfin."

Arthur's voice, at first filled with a long aching grief, rises, exultant. Arthur glances away from Ulfin, to the young white-haired man standing with the rest of his family near the doorway.

"And there is another Pendragon to take up the cause, for the good of all the world. Do not despair, Ulfin. Never despair."


ulfin_kingsman June 12 2006, 23:17:28 UTC
Ulfin follows the king's gaze, and his eyes shine.

"Another Pendragon, still? In one world, if not in mine... and the light to win at last."


most_generous June 12 2006, 23:18:05 UTC
The quiet smile widens a little, as Arthur replies.

'The world is given to men now, to shape it as they will. And there will be times of trial, as ever were in days past, for there will always be those who have no love for their fellow men and no reverence for justice or mercy...or loyalty.'

A slight shake of his head, as if dispelling unpleasant thoughts. 'But there will always be those who understand the importance of duty, who seek to serve their world because they believe it is the right thing to do. And it is their light that will illuminate the way for others, even in those times of trial.'


ulfin_kingsman June 12 2006, 23:19:59 UTC
Ulfin nods, turning back with bright eyes to look once more at the king. His king, or almost.

"I did my best, my lord. For you, and for Britain."


most_generous June 13 2006, 03:26:41 UTC
"I am sure you did." The king's voice, warm and deep, booms across the room. "And I am sure you helped hold back the darkness, for a time. That is all any man can do."


ulfin_kingsman June 13 2006, 05:59:59 UTC
And that means more than hearing it from almost anyone would.

"Thank you, my lord."


most_generous June 15 2006, 04:24:55 UTC
The king nods, in acceptance of thanks, in gratitude for services, in dismissal.


ulfin_kingsman June 15 2006, 06:05:16 UTC
Ulfin moves back in silent acknowledgment of the dismissal, with one last smile and bow.

He doesn't take his eyes off the king all the way to his table, though.


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