
Mar 21, 2010 17:46

Heeey everyone. We've been having an influx of memes lately and I know most of you joined here when mothdeath didn't support them at all, so I want to give you the opportunity to let me know how you feel about them.

here is a simple poll:

Poll memes.As for the how (if you choose yes), I'd like if you could actually suggest something in comments! I'm ( Read more... )

*mod post, !carnality, *ooc

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Comments 13

candlejack March 21 2010, 23:00:18 UTC
I like the memes, it helps people interacting with each other a little bit more (at least, that's my take) which is why I voted no, but there is a solution if people don't feel comfortable (harmony is necessary for a roleplay, musebox-y or not, to get along nicely) why not create a "less roleplay-y" sister-community, like somewhere you can shove memes and other OOC stuff, like castmate requests and all the likes? Win/win, maybe.

Oh, and you can unscreen this comment if you want to see if people would like this idea?


carnality March 21 2010, 23:04:14 UTC
We could do something akin to an 'ooc' comm, that way all OOC shenanigans + memes can go there? Though I know some people were opposed to the idea of an OOC comm for here before sobs.


candlejack March 21 2010, 23:07:17 UTC
I'd see it more of an in-between rather than an OOC community. It wouldn't be really used for intros nor hiatus nor drops, just things related to characters and nothing else. I mean, I don't think anyone expected MD to grow into what it is today (it's fairly active and even has semi-steady CRs and the occasional plot), so I don't find it so out of place to make a sister-community.


carnality March 21 2010, 23:08:41 UTC
I completely agree and I'm behind this suggestion 100% if other people want to do this!


shampoo March 21 2010, 23:06:01 UTC
HEY i have no real preference regarding memes because while i love them and tend to take threads from them as canon whenever i can, i'm still totally chill with cutting back if it bothers other members! i know the timezone thing has been a factor for some of you guys missing out on some really fun memes (and posts period), too :(

i do want to say that i'm totally fine with going back to posting memes on obsequens and just inviting people via word of mouth and pimp codes. that's why i'd been using that community for memes, originally, to be honest, because we hadn't really been allowed to do them on mothdeath and i wanted all of us to have the opportunity to do them. BUT YEAH maddie suggested posting them off-comm if it's starting to frustrate players and i'm totally cool with doing that. that way the people in mothdeath aren't really affected by the memes unless they're going and participating in them themselves? WOW I'M SUPER VERBOSE ANYWAY TL;DR I CAN START USING MY COMMUNITY FOR MEMES AGAIN IF WE WANT TO CUT BACK SIGNIFICANTLY IN MOTHDEATH ( ... )


shampoo March 21 2010, 23:26:02 UTC
OH AS AN ADDENDUM since the previous comment was more an offer than my actual opinions, i'm just curious as to why there's a problem with memes? i mean i understand why there could be -- they're coming up as often as regular posts, they don't have guaranteed CR, etc etc. BUT, i think the majority of the ones we've done on the community have either A: given us a lot more OOC interaction with each other or B: are ones you can easily take as canon. after all, we do a lot of those question/statement posts here, and mothdeath has never had a real, concrete or permanent setting -- how are the question posts all that easier to take as canon than memes are, you know? i think either way we have a suspension of disbelief in this community so we can keep all our interactions as canon for the most part ( ... )


thanoodles March 21 2010, 23:50:00 UTC


kokanshu March 22 2010, 00:11:27 UTC
Um, to respond to your question, I personally find memes are out of my comfort zone because they focus more on the OOC. I'm actually quite internet shy and it's been a lot easier for me to interact here because it's been character focussed. Then I don't want to seem like I'm not willing to participate, but I'm not in the same timezone as most of the other players and so tend to miss them or come in very late, and memes seem to be a lot more likely to lose interest from people past a certain time frame.

Questions work better towards 'canon' because... you can ask anyone a question and they can think of an answer. But most of the memes are more like games, and not all people are willing to play games. It's harder to fit characters in. That's how I see it, anyway.


shampoo March 22 2010, 00:21:12 UTC
oh, i get that! idk i guess it depends on the person, because i felt a lot more included and active in the community when i had memes involved. but i'm also a really social person both online and IRL, so i like things like that. i still think that memes are about as easy as the questions are in terms of retaining CR, but i do understand where you're coming from and can see why we might want to cut back on memes a little. THAT BEING SAID, it could also just be the fact that we're suddenly allowed to do them that caused the influx; i wouldn't be surprised if it evens out again relatively soon, and the majority of posts are IC and not memes.


kokanshu March 21 2010, 23:26:20 UTC
Please unscreen this.

I'm just gonna repeat what I said when I spoke to Norru requesting that memes be cut back on: I feel like they're taking over the comm, and are unfair because they don't allow for as much equal participation, and largely do not contribute to CR or storylines. In fact, to a certain extent, they seem to distract from posts that do contribute to these things.

I understand that some people enjoy them, and I'm not asking for them to be banned. Just a limit of some sort, perhaps a certain amount allowed a week, with a queuing system so people could still get to post what they wanted to post without someone else getting in before them. Which could be managed in a manner similar to how reserve posts are managed.

That's my 2 pence.


blizzardseason March 21 2010, 23:37:21 UTC
I don't like memes because in every other game ever the best way to get CR is to suck up to the other players via them and to get into chat and I am afraid the same thing will take root, mostly because it's inevitable when you let the OOC become a big part of the game. Egos will clash, and I think the lack of community OOC, while obviously still allowing for people to talk to one another, obviously, is why things were was so successful in the first place.

I was enjoying not having to kiss ass in a comm for once.

this should probably be unscreened.


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