Apr 17, 2008 03:37
This was part of a very long and rambling email from my mother about synchronicity and Zooey Deschanel and "Almost Famous" and NPR. The subject line was "Emo, Eh?"
"Got documentary on MCR. There is lots alike in the Almost Famous story and the My Chem real story.
Had that awful tooth pain and root cannel not long ago. Oooooooocccccchhhhh
MCR story told of cute guy’s pain & agony & trips to ER and passing out in first album. All his real physical pain is in the songs, so the producer said. Producer says “Sorry about what I’m going to do” Punched him in the face as hard as he could. Turns out all the pain was just a tooth ache. God, then that punch.
Will listen to the music with a new ear.
Hear of the debate of where emo music got started on the documentary. Wonder what in the hell is emo?
L. called at work. They are going to her nephew’s wedding this weekend. S. is very excited because she is getting an emo haircut. What? Oh! Emo…stands for emotion.
Looked at emo haircuts on the web.
Saw J. at lunch. Someone at the table heard about a big fight between the emo’s and some other name I can’t remember for a rock fan.
Lord. I have something new to learn every day.
Guess that’s enough. So are you an emo? Don’t think your hair would work well with one of those cuts. You’ve already had the color.
Love you…."
My mom asking me "Are you an emo" made me laugh for seriously about five minutes straight. SUCH NEW THINGS MY MOTHER LEARNS EVERY DAY THANKS TO ME. Such constant new knowledge since she had to put up with my goth ass all through high school. And she's right, my hair wouldn't work with one of those haircuts. I'm also not sure what documentary she's talking about! My mom: better fan than me?! Oh no! ♥