'Sup, MH?
First of all: If you have any mission suggestions, go
here. No matter what it is, just post it, and we'll see if it's possible to pull it off. If you have any suggestions for the newspaper (anything your character has done that might have been noticed by a journalist, any crimes that have been committed, anything funny, or just random,
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Comments 63
No change / Somewhat Decent!
No change/ Somewhat Decent
The Apartment's (3 bedrooms)
Maraich and Ashura (big Ashura) have been planning to move in together in the Apartments, with three bedrooms in case little Ashura comes back.
I'll let the mun know this post is up if they haven't seen it theselves.
The Apartments: 6-7a / Somewhat Decent
Naruto and Kushina dragged him off to their place the day he arrived, he's been staying there instead of his assigned room. Bumming I reckon!
ANYDANGWAY yes, i approve dis as welllll
No change / College Degree
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